Integral representations for local dilogarithm and trilogarithm functions

OMS-Vol. 5 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 337 – 352 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Masato Kobayashi
Abstract:We show new integral representations for dilogarithm and trilogarithm functions on the unit interval. As a consequence, we also prove (1) new integral representations for Apéry, Catalan constants and Legendre \(\chi\) functions of order 2, 3, (2) a lower bound for the dilogarithm function on the unit interval, (3) new Euler sums.
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Some arguments for the wave equation in Quantum theory

OMS-Vol. 5 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 314 – 336 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Tristram de Piro
Abstract:We clarify some arguments concerning Jefimenko’s equations, as a way of constructing solutions to Maxwell’s equations, for charge and current satisfying the continuity equation. We then isolate a condition on non-radiation in all inertial frames, which is intuitively reasonable for the stability of an atomic system, and prove that the condition is equivalent to the charge and current satisfying certain relations, including the wave equations. Finally, we prove that with these relations, the energy in the electromagnetic field is quantised and displays the properties of the Balmer series.
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Local convergence for a family of sixth order methods with parameters

OMS-Vol. 5 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 300 – 305 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Christopher I. Argyros, Michael Argyros, Ioannis K. Argyros, Santhosh George
Abstract:Local convergence of a family of sixth order methods for solving Banach space valued equations is considered in this article. The local convergence analysis is provided using only the first derivative in contrast to earlier works on the real line using the seventh derivative. This way the applicability is expanded for these methods. Numerical examples complete the article.
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Some new operators for Fermatean fuzzy matrices

ODAM-Vol. 4 (2021), Issue 3, pp. 10 – 23 Open Access Full-Text PDF
I. Silambarasan
Abstract:In this paper, we define some new operators \([(A \$ B),(A \# B),(A\ast B),(A \rightarrow B) ]\) of Fermatean fuzzy matrices and investigate their algebraic properties. Further, the necessity and possibility operators of Fermatean fuzzy matrices are proved. Finally, we have identified and proved several of these properties, particularly those involving the operator \(A\rightarrow B\) defined as Fermatean fuzzy implication with other operators.
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\(S\)-norms on anti \(Q\)-fuzzy subgroups

ODAM-Vol. 4 (2021), Issue 3, pp. 1 – 9 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Rasul Rasuli
Abstract:In this paper, by using \(S\)-norms, we defined anti fuzzy subgroups and anti fuzzy normal subgroups which are new notions and considered their fundamental properties and also made an attempt to study the characterizations of them. Next we investigated image and pre image of them under group homomorphisms. Finally, we introduced the direct sum of them and proved that direct sum of any family of them is also anti fuzzy subgroups and anti fuzzy normal subgroups under \(S\)-norms, respectively.
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Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(n\)-polynomial generalized convex functions of Raina type and some related inequalities

EASL-Vol. 4 (2021), Issue 3, pp. 44 – 58 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Saad Ihsan Butt, Muhammad Tariq, Muhammad Nadeem
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the concept of a new family of convex functions namely \(n\)-polynomial generalized convex functions of Raina type. We investigate the algebraic properties of a newly introduced idea and discuss their connections with convex functions. Furthermore, we establish the new version of Hermite–Hadamard and some refinements of Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities this class of functions. Finally, we investigate some applications to special means of real numbers. Results obtained in this paper can be viewed as a significant improvement of previously known results and also may stimulate and energize for further activities in this research area field.
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Renewable energy policy around the globe

EASL-Vol. 4 (2021), Issue 3, pp. 30 – 43 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Ahmed Mahmood, Muhammad Qasim, Muhammad Faisal Khan
Abstract:Renewable energy systems (RESs) have an inherent quality of achieving independence Vis a Vis useful energy harnessing for self or localized use. At larger scale the renewable energy system allows the power generation and distribution without a significant harm to the environment. Propagation and proliferation of RESs and the Renewable Energy Technology (RET), collectively demand an effective policy making infrastructure to be in place to ensure their penetration locally and globally. Renewable Energy Policies have a great impact on how readily these systems are adopted by the investors and market, how efficient these systems are which is dependent on the research and development (R&D) of RESs, how effectively the country or region copes with the scourge of environmental harm with the use of RESs. Renewable Energy Policies also have an impact on how costly these technologies are and how these technologies fiscally benefit common man, investors and industries. Efficiency enhancement, stability and intelligent management of grids integrated with RES are also renewable policy dependent. This paper thoroughly and critically examines the importance of renewable energy policy. not just at domestic or national level but also at global level. It discusses in detail the core ingredients of renewable energy policy which were adopted in the past, which are being adopted now and which should be adopted in future. This paper also discusses policy, business and financial models; importance of tariff formulation, incentives and subsidies and a few factors which may pose a risk to the development and adoption of RESs. At the end a few suggestions have also been made which, if adopted, would help promote the RESs proliferation across the globe at a rapid pace and would ensure energy security, sustainable development and environmental conservation.
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The power of visual analytics and language processing to explore the underlying trend of highly popular song lyrics

EASL-Vol. 4 (2021), Issue 3, pp. 19 – 29 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Tanish Maheshwari, Tarpara Nisarg Bhaveshbhai, Mitali Halder
Abstract:The number of songs are increasing at a very high rate around the globe. Out of the songs released every year, only the top few songs make it to the billboard hit charts .The lyrics of the songs place an important role in making them big hits combined with various other factors like loudness, liveness, speech ness, pop, etc. The artists are faced with the problem of finding the most desired topics to create song lyrics on. This problem is further amplified in selecting the most unique, catchy words which if added, could create more powerful lyrics for the songs. We propose a solution of finding the bag of unique evergreen words using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) technique of natural language processing. The words from this bag of unique evergreen words could be added in the lyrics of the songs to create more powerful lyrics in the future.
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