Directed Pathos Total Digraph of an Arborescence

EASL-Vol. 1 (2018), Issue 1, pp. 29–42 | Open Access Full-Text PDF
M. C. Mahesh Kumar, H. M. Nagesh
Abstract:For an arborescence \(A_r\), a directed pathos total digraph \(Q=DPT(A_r)\) has vertex set \(V(Q)=V(A_r)\cup A(A_r)\cup P(A_r)\), = where \(V(A_r)\) is the vertex set, \(A(A_r)\) is the arc set, and \(P(A_r)\) is a directed pathos set of \(A_r\). The arc set \(A(Q)\) consists of the following arcs: \(ab\) such that \(a,b \in A(A_r)\) and the head of \(a\) coincides with the tail of \(b\); \(uv\) such that \(u,v \in V(A_r)\) and \(u\) is adjacent to \(v\); \(au\) \((ua)\) such that \(a\in A(A_r)\) and \(u \in V(A_r)\) and the head (tail) of \(a\) is \(u\); \(Pa\) such that \(a \in A(A_r)\) and \(P \in P(A_r)\) and the arc \(a\) lies on the directed path \(P\); \(P_iP_j\) such that \(P_i, P_j \in P(A_r)\) and it is possible to reach the head of \(P_j\) from the tail of \(P_i\) through a common vertex, but it is possible to reach the head of \(P_i\) from the tail of \(P_j\). For this class of digraphs we discuss the planarity; outerplanarity; maximal outerplanarity; minimally nonouterplanarity; and crossing number one properties of these digraphs. The problem of reconstructing an arborescence from its directed pathos total digraph is also presented.
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On Graph Invariants of Oxide Network

EASL-Vol. 1 (2018), Issue 1, pp. 23–28 | Open Access Full-Text PDF
Muhammad Imran, Asima Asghar, Abdul Qudair Baig
Abstract:The application of graph theory in chemical and molecular structure research far exceeds people’s expectations, and it has recently grown exponentially. In the molecular graph, atoms are represented by vertices and bonded by edges. In this report, we study the several Zagreb polynomials and Redefined Zagreb indices of Oxide Network.
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Computing Degree-Based Topological Indices of Jahangir Graph

EASL-Vol. 1 (2018), Issue 1, pp. 16–22 | Open Access Full-Text PDF
Wei Gao, Asima Asghar, Waqas Nazeer
Abstract:Topological indices are numerical numbers associated with a graph that helps to predict many properties of underlined graph. In this paper we aim to compute multiplicative degree based topological indices of Jahangir graph.
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Some Numerical Invariants Associated with V-phenylenic Nanotube and Nanotori

EASL-Vol. 1 (2018), Issue 1, pp. 01–09 | Open Access Full-Text PDF
Rachanna Kanabur, Sunilkumar Hosamani
Abstract:A carbon nanotube (CNT) is a miniature cylindrical carbon structure that has hexagonal graphite molecules attached at the edges. In this paper, we compute the numerical invariant (Topological indices) of linear [n]-phenylenic, lattice of \(C_{4}C_{6}C_{8}[m, n]\), \(TUC_{4}C_{6}C_{8}[m, n]\) nanotube, \(C_{4}C_{6}C_{8}[m, n]\) nanotori.
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