Comparative analysis of numerical methods for the multidimensional Brusselator system

OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 3, pp. 262 – 272 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Harish Bhatt and Abhinandan Chowdhury
Abstract: This work is concerned with a comparative study of performances of meshfree (radial basis functions) and mesh-based (finite difference) schemes in terms of their accuracy and computational efficiency while solving multi-dimensional initial-boundary value problems governed by a nonlinear time-dependent reaction-diffusion Brusselator system. For computing the approximate solution of the Brusselator system, we use linearly implicit Crank-Nicolson (LICN) scheme, Peaceman-Rachford alternating direction implicit (ADI) scheme and exponential time differencing locally one dimensional (ETD-LOD) scheme as mesh-based schemes and multiquadric radial basis function (MQRBF) as a meshfree scheme. A few numerical results are reported.
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On codes over \(\mathbb{R}=\mathbb{Z}_{2}+u\mathbb{Z}_{2}+u^2\mathbb{Z}_{2}\) where \(u^3=0\) and its related parameters

OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 3, pp. 256 – 261 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Chella Pandian Panchanathan
Abstract: In ring \(\mathbb{R}=\mathbb{Z}_{2}+u\mathbb{Z}_{2}+u^2\mathbb{Z}_{2}\) where \(u^3=0,\) using Lee weight and generalized Lee weight, some lower bound and upper bound on the covering radius of codes is given and also to find the covering radius for various repetition codes with respect to same and different length in \(\mathbb{R}.\)
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A mathematical model showing the potential of vitamin c to boost the innate immune response

OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 3, pp. 245 – 255 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Anuraag Bukkuri
Abstract: There has been much debate about the role Vitamin C plays in the innate immune response, and if it has the potential to be used as a drug to combat conditions in which the immune system is compromised, from the common cold to cystic fibrosis. Here, the author creates a basic model of the innate response, capturing the dynamics among phagocytic cells, host cells, foreign virus/bacteria, and Vitamin C. Through mathematical simulations, the author concludes that Vitamin C can be used as a stand-alone drug to eradicate a viral/bacterial infection if given constant infusions. If this is not possible due to other side effects that may harm the patient, Vitamin C may be used in quick succession with another anti-bacterial/anti-viral medication to aid the patient. This, moreover, could help minimize the amount of side effects of the anti-bacterial/anti-viral drug and slow down bacterial evolution. Finally, the author modifies the system to simulate cases of renal failure, acute lung injury, liver damage, chronic granulomatous disease, and the Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, showing how Vitamin C can help individuals with these diseases.
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Exponentiated transmuted lindley distribution with applications

OMA-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 2, pp. 1 – 18 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Emmanuel W. Okereke
Abstract: In this paper, we study a new distribution called the exponentiated transmuted Lindley distribution. The proposed distribution has three special cases namely Lindley, exponentiated Lindley and transmuted Lindley distributions. Along with the basic properties of the distribution, the maximum likelihood technique of estimating the parameters of the distribution are discussed. Two applications of the distribution are also part of this article.
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M-polynomial of some cactus chains and their topological indices

ODAM-Vol. 2 (2019), Issue 2, pp. 59 – 67 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Bommanahal Basavanagoud, Anand P. Barangi
Abstract: In this note, we first show that the general Zagreb index can be obtained from the \(M-\)polynomial of a graph by giving a suitable operator. Next, we obtain \(M-\)polynomial of some cactus chains. Furthermore, we derive some degree based topological indices of cactus chains from their \(M-\)polynomial.
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Translation and homothetical TH-surfaces in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space \(\mathbb{E}^{3}\) and Lorentzian-Minkowski space \(\mathbb{E}_{1}^{3}\)

OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 1, pp. 234 – 244 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Bendehiba Senoussi, Mohammed Bekkar
Abstract: In the 3-dimensional Euclidean space \(\mathbb{E}^{3}\) and Lorentzian-Minkowski space \(\mathbb{E}_{1}^{3},\) a translation and homothetical TH-surface is parameterized \(z(u,v)=A(f(u)+g(v))+Bf(u)g(v),\) where \(f\) and \(g\) are smooth functions and \(A\), \(B\) are non-zero real numbers. In this paper, we define TH-surfaces in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space \(\mathbb{E}^{3}\) and Lorentzian-Minkowski space \(\mathbb{E}_{1}^{3}\) and completely classify minimal or flat TH-surfaces.
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Modelling cervical cancer due to human papillomavirus infection in the presence of vaccination

OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 3, pp. 217 – 233 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Nicholas Kwasi-Do Ohene Opoku, Farai Nyabadza, Ethel Ngarakana-Gwasira
Abstract: Cervical cancer is a global threat with over half a million cases worldwide and over 200000 deaths annually. Sexual minority women are at risk for infection with human papillomavirus (HPV); the virus which causes cervical cancer, yet little is known about the prevalence of HPV infection. In this paper, the dynamics of HPV infection in the presence of vaccination among women which progresses to cervical cancer is investigated. The disease-free equilibrium state of the model is determined. Using the next generation method, the cancer reproduction number, \(R_0\), is computed in terms of the model parameters and used as a threshold value. The reproduction number is examined analytically for its sensitivity to the vaccination parameter having shown that it is locally and globally asymptotically stable for \(R_0<1\) and unstable for \(R_0>1\) at the disease free state. The centre manifold theorem is used to determine the stability of the endemic equilibrium and shown to exhibit a backward bifurcation phenomenon implying that cervical cancer due to HPV infection may persist in the population even if \(R_0<1\). Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to obtain analytical results. As prevalence estimates vary between sexual orientation dimensions, these findings help inform targeted HPV and cervical cancer prevention efforts.
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Existence of an integral operator and its consequences in fractional and conformable integrals

OMS-Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 3, pp. 210 – 216 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Ghulam Farid
Abstract: The study of integral operators has always been important in the subjects of mathematics, physics, and in diverse areas of applied sciences. It has been challenging to discover and formulate new types of integral operators. The aim of this paper is to study and formulate an integral operator of a general nature. Under some suitable conditions the existence of a new integral operator is established. The boundedness of left and right sided integral operators is obtained and further boundedness of their sum is given. The investigated integral operators derive several known integrals and have interesting consequences for fractional calculus integral operators and conformable integrals. The presented results provide the boundedness of various fractional and conformable integral operators simultaneously.
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On edge-prime cubic graphs with small components

ODAM-Vol. 2 (2019), Issue 2, pp. 48 – 58 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Gee-Choon Lau, Sin-Min Lee, Wai Chee Shiu
Abstract: Let \(G= G(V,E)\) be a \((p,q)\)-graph. A bijection \(f: E\to\{1,2,3,\ldots,q \}\) is called an edge-prime labeling if for each edge \(uv\) in \(E\), we have \(GCD(f^+(u),f^+(v))=1\) where \(f^+(u) = \sum_{uw\in E} f(uw)\). A graph that admits an edge-prime labeling is called an edge-prime graph. In this paper we obtained some sufficient conditions for graphs with regular component(s) to admit or not admit an edge-prime labeling. Consequently, we proved that if \(G\) is a cubic graph with every component is of order \(4, 6\) or \(8\), then \(G\) is edge-prime if and only if \(G\not\cong K_4\) or \(nK(3,3)\), \(n\equiv2,3\pmod{4}\). We conjectured that a connected cubic graph \(G\) is not edge-prime if and only if \(G\cong K_4\).
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