
A randomized double blinded comparative clinical study of intubating conditions of rocuronium with priming versus without priming

Author(s): Pallavi SR1, Harshitha MS1, Nagashree J Bharadwaj2
1Senior Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences Shimoga, India.
2Senior Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore.
Copyright © Pallavi SR, Harshitha MS, Nagashree J Bharadwaj. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Rocuronium produces faster neuromuscular blockade compared with other neuromuscular blocking drugs. It produces intubating condition similar to succinylcholine, but does not have the short duration of action. Objective: to compare the onset time of intubation and intubating condition of rocuronium with priming versus without priming.
Methods: Sixty patients of ASA physical status I and II, aged between 18-60 years, of both the sexes, grouped randomly and divided into priming group (group P) and control group (group C) of 30 subjects each. Priming group (Group P) receives 0.06mg/kg of rocuronium and control group (group C) receives normal saline. All patients received inj. Fentanyl 1mcg/kg, followed by inj. thiopentone 5mg/kg for induction. Intubating dose of rocuronium 0.54mg/kg for priming group and 0.6mg/kg for control group administered 3min after priming.
Results: The present conducted study shown that onset time of intubation was 56.4(\(\pm\)6.43) sec in priming group (group P) with 3 min priming interval, 117.6(\(\pm\)16.78) sec in non priming group (group C) with clinically acceptable intubating conditions were obtained in both groups without any adverse effects.
Conclusions: Priming with the rocuronium provide excellent intubating condition in less than 60 sec when compare to non priming group and is a safe alternative to succinylcholine.

Keywords: Endotracheal intubation; Intubating condition; Priming; Rocuronium.