
Study of variations in angle width following laser peripheral iridotomy using gonioscopy and biometry in primary angle closure suspects

Author(s): Neelam N1, Jayashree C J2
1Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Koppal Institute of Medical Sciences, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Koppal Institute of Medical Sciences, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
Copyright © Neelam N, Jayashree C J. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) contributes considerably to the global burden of visual impairment.
Objective: To prospectively evaluate changes in anterior chamber width after laser iridotomy in primary angle closure suspect using GONIOSCOPY and BIOMETRY.
Material and Methods: This was a prospective non-randomized interventional hospital based study. 50 eyes of 29 patients with primary angle closure suspects (PACS) requiring Laser Peripheral iridotomy were included in the study.
Results: The study showed a statistically significant change between pre PI and post PI peripheral anterior chamber depth(PACD) 1.1\(\pm\)0.4 Vs 2.70\(\pm\)0.8(P<0.05) Statistically significant change in gonioscopic grading between pre and post PI, superior (0.20\(\pm\)0.40Vs2.20\(\pm\)1.10), inferior (1.0\(\pm\)1.0Vs.2.50\(\pm\)0.90), nasal (0.3\(\pm\)0.6Vs.2.40\(\pm\)0.90), and temporal quadrant (0.4\(\pm\)0.8 Vs. 2.30\(\pm\)1.0) (P<0.05). There was an overall increase of 2 units in Shaffer angle grading in all 4 quadrants. There was a significant decrease in IOP post iridotomy (16.44\(\pm\)2.70mmHg Vs 14.18\(\pm\)2.62mmHg),(P<0.05), almost 2mmHg of fall in IOP. The study showed statistically no significant change between pre and post PI biometry values-AXL and ACD.
Conclusion: Laser iridotomy produced a significant widening of the anterior chamber angle in patients with primary angle closure suspects as studied by gonioscopy and biometry. Gonioscopy is a viable tool to assess the effect of laser iridotomy.

Keywords: Primary angle closure suspect; laser iridotomy; gonioscopy; biometry anterior chamber angle.