Aim: To assess cases of dengue fever in Pediatric patients.
Methodology: Sixty-eight pediatric cases of dengue of both genders were included in the study. Clinical features and laboratory findings were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using appropriate tests.
Results: Out of 68 patients, boys were 38, and girls were 30. Common symptoms were fever in 95%, vomiting in 68%, loose stools in 22%, periorbital puffiness in 10% and respiratory distress in 26, pain abdomen in 47% cases. The mean hemoglobin level at admission was 12.6 gm% and at discharge was 12.7gm%. The mean TLC was 56210 cumm of blood at admission, and at discharge was 122452 cumm of blood.
Conclusion: Common symptoms were fever, vomiting, respiratory distress and pain abdomen. Hence careful evaluation of dengue in children is required.