Wastewater discharged by dye manufacturing and textile finishing industries has become an environmental concern. The textile dyeing plants utilize a variety of synthetic dyes and dump massive amounts of dyeing effluent because the uptake of these dyes by fabrics is very low. The plant’s photosynthetic activity is significantly harmed by this highly colored textile dyeing effluent, impairs aquatic life because of its low light penetration and oxygen consumption. Owing to the presence of heavy metallic materials and chlorine in synthetic dyes, it could also be harmful to some aquatic creatures. Therefore, these textile wastewaters need to be treated before their discharge. Various techniques for dealing with textile dyeing effluent have been discussed in this paper. Treatment techniques presented in this study include oxidation methods, physical methods, and biological methods. Also, the paper is prepared to compile all the updated data on textile dyeing effluents’ characterization and their impact on the environment from various journals and websites and some from personal communication with some factories. Since an extensive range of synthetic dyes, namely, azo dye, vat dye, reactive dye, disperse dye, is widely used in the textile industry, some of the dyeing effluents’ physicochemical parameters surpassed their standard limits. Hence, these days, the proper monitoring and corrective steps such as the elimination process have become the most thoughtful tasks globally, particularly the developing and transition economies. It is crucial to take immediate action to minimize environmental emissions due to the discharge of untreated textile dye waste.
The textile industry is indeed one of the world’s most significant sectors. This sector employs people without any extraordinary skill, which plays a crucial role in employment in developing countries, namely, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and India. Hence, it plays a significant role in developing the value of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of these countries [1]. Moreover, due to the rising demand from the population, textile goods have increased, and textile mills and their wastewater have risen proportionately, leading the planet to have a big pollution problem. Since the textile industry represents two-thirds of the total demand for dyes, approximately 10-15% of the used dyes are discharged into the wastewater during the dyeing phase [2]. Therefore, T the textile industries are one of the world’s leading causes of various pollution. Besides, more than 1,000,000 synthetic dyes are generated worldwide with an annual production of approximately \(7 \times 105\) metric tons [3,4], and these dyes are widely used in the textile, paper, pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetics industries [5]. However, the textile industries are the largest consumers of dyes [6]. The World Bank estimates that approximately 20% of global industrial water pollution comes from the treatment of wastewater and dyeing of textiles. Thus, the textile industries are second to agriculture practices as the biggest polluting agents for freshwater bodies.
The effluents contain heavy metals, trace metals, coloring agents, and some toxic elements. The effluent discharged into the rivers goes far away and is used by people for their day-to-day activities, and irrigation [7]. Consequently, the physicochemical parameters of water such as pH, BOD, COD, TDS, DO get degraded owing to the polluted water. It will contaminate the food chain and ecosystem. These make water very toxic and harmful for humans, crops, and aquatic livings. This causes severe diseases such as cancer, damage of infants’ brains, body shrinkage on human beings, reduces soil fertility, and damages crops [8].
These days, textiles are dyed with aromatic and heterocyclic dyes. Dyes are more challenging to degrade in textile effluent because various chemical and physical materials are found in textile waste. The unfixed dyes in textile effluents were considered to be in massive amounts. These unfixed dyes with used water are mostly dumped into various nearby water sources, which are known as textile wastewater, or effluent [9]. As industrial effluents or wastewater are dumped directly into sewage systems without treatment from most factories, the sewage systems are directed into canals, which discharge their contents into rivers and lagoons. The result of this is the contamination of surface water, which has a consequent impact on human wellbeing. Industrial effluents have been reported to contaminate water, soil, and air, resulting in high disease burdens and, ultimately, a shorter life span in developed countries [10]. The environmental hazard due to wastewater is alarming for developing countries like Bangladesh. Many international investors are now aware of environmental pollution and looking for whether textile factories have ETP or not for the safe emission of effluents. Hence, the industries should be aware of the effect of polluted effluent in the environment and the threat it has on human life. Before dumping dyeing wastewater into our surroundings, these dyes must be eliminated from industrial effluents. The study was done to offer a complete overview of dye categorization, environmental impacts, their detrimental consequences, and the different techniques for removing dyes from textile dyeing effluent, followed by the findings of numerous investigations.
Furthermore, the entire demand for clothes is expected to climb by 63% from 62 million tons now to 102 million tons in 2030 if the world’s population expands to 8.5 billion people as forecasted by 2030 [12]. In other words, the apparel market is growing at an unprecedented pace. It takes roughly three thousand liters of water to manufacture only one cotton shirt. About 93 billion cubic meters of water are used annually for textiles production (including cotton cultivation), accounting for 4% of the total global freshwater extraction [13].
Nearly 4,560 textile factories may be found in Bangladesh. There are currently 500-700 wet processing plants in operation, and the quantity is increasing daily [14]. In Bangladesh, it was anticipated that around 1,700 wet processing units were devoted to textile washing, dyeing, and finishing, and textile factories consume an estimated 250-300 liters of water for each kilogram of cloth produced. Which is the equivalent of two people’s daily water use [15]. Some simple activities, such as sizing, use less water, while others, such as dyeing many washes and rinsing, need a large number of consecutive operations. The amount of water used depends on the type of material being treated and the final finish. The dyeing process and numerous activities and energy production, namely, steam generation, cooling water, sanitation, all, use water.
However, annually, the textile industry dumps massive amounts of dyeing effluent into our waterways. It has been calculated that a single factory may utilize two hundred tons of freshwater for each ton of colored cloth. This dye-based wastewater is dumped into Bangladesh’s neighboring rivers, mostly in untreated conditions, gradually expanding into the sea. It leads to the use of highly poisonous chrome, which indicates a drastic increase in these countries’ diseases [13].
Dependent on numerous parameters, dyes can be categorized. We can, nonetheless, have a look at the four most noticeable ones in Figure 1.
Pretreatment, dyeing/printing, finishing, and other technologies are included in textile printing and dyeing. Various methods are employed in the pretreatment stage, such as de-sizing, scouring, washing, and more. The primary goal of dyeing is to dissolve the dye in water, which will then be imparted to the cloth to make a colored cloth, given specific conditions. Printing is a type of dyeing known as “localized dyeing,” which refers to dyeing that has been restricted to a specific area of the fabric. For the most part, the reactions involved in this dyeing are identical to those involved in dyeing. As opposed to printing, which uses a thick paste of colorant, dyeing employs liquid colorants. Finishing procedures are applied to both natural and synthetic textiles. As a result, various finishing agents are employed to soften, cross-link, and waterproof the completed cloth. Every step of the finishing process causes water pollution. Before dying or printing should have been done the following processes: singeing, mercerizing, base reduction, and others. Bleaching is a critical step in the textile dyeing process, and Bleaching using sodium hypochlorite or sodium chlorite is the most popular method. Also, chlorine dioxide, a strong oxidant, is corrosive and poisonous. The usual quantity of bleaching effluent is between 10 and 200 mg/L. Figure 2 depicts a typical printing and dyeing procedure.
Polyester | Disperse | 8-20 |
Wool, Viscose, and Cotton | Sulfur dyes | 30-40 |
Reactive dyes | 20-50 | |
Azoic dyes | 5-10 | |
Vat dyes | 5-20 | |
Direct dyes | 5-20 | |
Pigment | 1 |
After the dyeing process, water used in the whole process, extracted from textile products, is named wastewater or effluents. We will find different chemical or physical substances and a large proportion of unfixed dyes from those extracted water. These dyes are the main culprits for wastewater formation because it is not relatively easy to extenuate unfixed synthetic dyes from wastewater than other chemicals. Therefore, we need to know the percentage of unfixed dyes. It varies depending on the dyes and raw goods where these dyes are generally applied. From Table 1, we will know which types of dyes are more responsible for textile wastewater formation, depending on their dye wash-out percentage after dyeing.
Textile mills could be divided into two categories based on waste and wastewater generation: wet processing and dry processing. The wastewater generated by the textile industry includes cleaning wastewater, process wastewater, noncontact cooling wastewater, and steam water. In dry processing units, generally solid waste is generated, and in wet processing units, most textile wastewater is generated. Raw textile dyeing effluent can be characterized by BOD, COD, TDS, color, total suspended solids (TSS), heavy metals, etc. The textile wastewater exhibits a wide range of pH (2-14), COD (50 ppm – 18000 ppm), TDS (50 ppm – 6000 ppm), and very strong color [20]. Textile wastewater is challenging to treat because of its variations in some of the factors, namely, pH, color, temperature, TDS (Total dissolved solids), Total suspended solids (TSS), and dissolved solids (DO) (see Table 2) [21].
Category | BOD (ppm) | COD (ppm) | pH | Temp. |
High | 500 | 1500 | 10 | 28 |
Average | 270 | 970 | 9 | 28 |
Low | 100 | 460 | 10 | 31 |
The absorption and reflection of sunlight by dyes is the main reason for light absorption decrease and the photosynthetic activity of the algae that affects the food chain. Large quantities of textile dyes in water bodies hinder the re-oxygenation of the receiving water and the sunlight, thus affecting ecological development in aquatic life and the process of photosynthesis of aquatic plants [30]. The polluting effects of dyes on the aquatic ecosystem can be toxic due to their long-term existence in the environment accumulation in sediments, particularly in fish or other aquatic species, decomposition of contaminants in carcinogenic or mutagenic compounds. Several dyes and their products are carcinogenic, mutagenic, and life-threatening. The existence of relatively tiny amounts of dyes of water is highly noticeable. It has a significant effect on the consistency and transparency of water sources, such as waterways, rivers, and others, resulting in harm to the aquatic environment [16].
We already got the idea about all the different processing units in the wet process through the dyeing flowchart and the above brief description. To get a minimum idea, we will now look at probable wastewater pollutants, quantity, and nature found before and after the dyeing process (see Table 3).
Processing Unit | Probable Wastewater Pollutants | Wastewater Quantity | Wastewater Nature |
Sizing | Starch, waxes, carboxymethyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol. | Minimal volume | High BOD and COD |
Desizing | Starch, waxes, carboxymethyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, desizing, dissolved solids fats and waxes | Very small volume; | High BOD |
(30Scouring | NaOH, Waxes, grease Na, CO3, Na2O2, and SiO2 fragments of cloth. | Small volume; Strongly alkaline; Dark color | Strongly a1kaline, |
BOD (30Bleaching | NaOCl, Cl2, NaOH, H2O2, Acid etc. | Small volume | Alkaline constitutes |
Increasing levels of biochemical compounds and heavy metals in water due to textile industry effluent have resulted in a significant hazard to the aquatic system and public health. There are different forms of toxicity present in textile wastewater. In order to control them, the Department of Environment (DoE) has listed the most detrimental to the environment are the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH, oil and grease, color and temperature. To some point, the polluting parameters of other industries can differ. The concentration of pollutants in effluents varies significantly with different textile industries. Standard wastewater parameters are given in Table 4.
Parameters on Quality of water | Unit | Standard value of discharging into the river |
pH | — | 6.5-9 |
BOD | ppm | <50 |
COD | ppm | <200 |
TSS | ppm | <150 |
TDS | ppm | <2100 |
Wastewater Flow | L/Kg of fabric processing | 100 |
Color | Co-pt unit | <200 |
Temperature | \(^{o}C\) | <30 |
Heavy metals constituted a concern to public health and organs at the same period as well [42]. The river serves as an essential supply of water for household and commercial usage and a mode of transportation, and it helps to dilute non-biodegradable contaminants in the environment. The presence of a large concentration of pollutants, on the other hand, reduces its capacity to purify. As a result, the dilution and reoxygenation potential is significantly decreased during the dry season, resulting in a more significant presence of BOD and COD and a low presence of dissolved oxygen (DO). During floods, such contaminated water comes into touch with humans and harms the general public’s health [43]. More specifically, to figure out the reason for aquatic environment pollution, we collected some data from different textile industries situated in Bangladesh that do not have any effluent treatment plant (ETP) in their factory for processing the unfixed dyed water. We endeavor to come to a firm decision by comparing our collected value with government-given standard value to understand water conditions.
Comparing Tables 5 and 6 values with the standard value of textile effluent given DoE, shows a considerable discrepancy in each parameter’s values. We took only six textile factories as our research source of collecting required values and found each of them as a leading polluter and destroyer of the water ecosystem in that specific area. To carry out our research work more precisely and easily, we chose these factories situated on the same riverbank named Shitalakkha. More than 100 of them like these six factories on the same riverbank, and most of them do not have any ETP system of their own. They all prefer to release their wastewater directly into the river without minimal treatment, which occurs consistently.
Name of the factory | BOD ppm | COD ppm | TSS ppm | TDS ppm | Color Co-pt | Temp. oC | pH |
Ehsan Knitwear Ltd. | 300 | 445 | 2200 | 75 | ND* | ND | 9.3 |
Sadmusa Knit Ltd. | 450 | 1060 | 3600 | 90 | Dark | 60 | 9.1 |
Northwest Textile Ltd. | 325 | 1000 | 3500 | 100 | Dark | 35 | 11 |
Purobi Knit Ltd. | 640 | 1200 | —- | 1000 | Dark | ND | 10 |
Brothers Denim Ltd. | 850 | 2150 | —- | 350 | <1000 | 35 | 9 |
Blue Denim | 640 | 1312 | 3633 | 305 | 1380 | —- | 11 |
Name of the factory | BOD5 ppm | COD ppm | TSS ppm | TDS ppm | Color Co-pt | pH |
KDS Textile Mills Ltd. | 25-45 | 60-150 | <50 | 1800-2000 | 100-150 | 7-8 |
4H Group | 35-48 | 70-120 | <60 | 1900-2100 | 90-120 | 6.5-8 |
Karnafuli Polyester Dyeing Ltd. | 30-45 | 60-150 | 45-55 | 1700-2000 | 120-160 | 7-8.5 |
It can be seen that how much responsible for damaging the aquatic environment a single factory that does not have any ETP plant than a factory that have
Numerous methods have been employed to find a cost-effective and reliable way to treat textile dyeing wastewater, including physical, chemical, biological, integrated treatment processes, and some other technologies (see Figure 3). Specific treatment with one of these three methods has been ineffective in extracting color and other effluents from textile wastewater. While some dyes are difficult to degrade, namely hydrolyzed reactive dyes, and some acidic dyes are not readily taken up by active sludge; thus, they are not processed. A mixture of different effluent treatment methods can eliminate over 85 percent of unnecessary matter. The resultant effluent is typically strong in color. Complementary treatment is required to eliminate color and, if possible, residual impurities. The textile industry has been condemned as the world’s worst aquatic environment polluter. It requires enormous quantities of chemicals and water at any point in the textile manufacturing and finishing process. Water is required to convey the chemicals to the fabric and wash them at the beginning and end of each phase. It is packed with chemical additives and then discharged as wastewater, which pollutes the environment. Water contamination is still a significant concern in most countries. The textile industry explores an economical solution to decolor the approximately 200 billion liters of colored effluent emitted annually. Countries, governments, and companies spend billions in cash on pollution-reduction studies and the development of effluent treatment plants. The environmental concern for industrial water pollution has contributed to substantial bans on all industrial practices that pollute the environment [44]. Governments have proposed regulations restricting the volume and form of waste that may be dumped because of the adverse effects on the environment and people’s wellbeing resulting from the leakage of effluent from the Textile Dye Industry [32].
An oxidative method consisting of Fenton reagent, Ozone, Photochemicals, Sodium hypochlorite, Cucurbituril, and Electrochemical destruction oxidative methods are the most widely employed chemical decoloration processes (see Table 8). This is primarily attributed to the ease of its application.
Technique | Merits | Drawbacks | References |
Fenton’s reagent | 1. Insoluble and soluble dyes can be effectively decolored. 2. Economical. |
1. Sludge production. 2. Excessively costly. |
[47] |
Ozonation | 1. Gases are used. 2. Wastewater and sludge volumes are not be increased. |
1. A short half-life (20 minutes) | [48] |
Oxidation with NaOCl | 1. Initiates and accelerates the breaking of azo bonds. | 1. Aromatic amines release. | [48] |
Photochemical oxidation | 1. Doesn’t generate sludge. 2. Low cost. |
1. By-products formation. | [49] |
Electrochemical destruction | 1. Breakdown substances are not harmful. | 1. Electricity and operation costs are high. | [47,48] |
Coagulation- flocculation | 1. Easy and cost effective. 2. With a short detention period and inexpensive capital expenditures. 3. Excellent removal efficiency. |
1. Sludge production is high. 2. Difficulties with handling and disposal. 3. Chemicals for pH adjustment are expensive. 4. Difficulties with dewatering and sludge handling. |
[50] |
Biological treatment is one of the environmentally sustainable and pollution-free methods using different possible organisms. The biological method consists of decoloration of white-rot fungi, various microbial cultures, adsorption of living/dead microbial biomass, and an acromial textile dye bioremediation [49]. Also, as opposed to other physical and chemical procedures, biological treatment is frequently the most cost-effective option, as illustrated in Table 9.
Technique | Merits | Drawbacks |
Adsorption | 1. High adsorption capacity for all dyes, 2. Low cost |
1. Need to dispose of adsorbents. 2. Low surface area for some adsorbents. |
Activated carbon | 1. Removes wide varieties of dyes | 1. Very expensive, ineffective against disperse and vat dyes |
Non-conventional adsorbents (agricultural and industrial byproducts) |
1. Effective adsorbent, inexpensive, widely available, operation is easy, process design is simple |
1. Transfer of pollutants from liquid phase to solid matrix (adsorbent) not selective |
Membrane filtration | 1. Removes all dye types, quick method and requires less space |
1. Concentrated sludge production, membrane fouling, high cost and incapable to treat large volume |
Ion exchange | 1. Regeneration possibility 2. The adsorbent is not lost |
1. Not effective for all types of dyes |
Nano-filtration | 1. Separation of low molecular weight organic compounds and of divalent ions |
1. High operation costs |
Reverse osmosis | 1. Removal of mineral salts, dyes and chemical reagents | 1. High pressure needed |
Organism (procedure) | Merits | Drawbacks | References |
Bacteria (aerobic) | 1. Azo and anthraquinone dyes can be decolored. 2. Biogas production. |
1. Rate of decolorization that are too low. 2. Particular oxygen catalytic enzymes are needed. 3 Additional carbon and energy sources are needed. |
[46] |
Bacteria (anaerobic) | 1. Effective for large-scale use. 2. For sludge treatment system, it is occurred in at a pH of 7. 3. Helps both obligatory and facultative bacteria to degrade azo dyes. |
1. Toxic chemical compound production. 2. Post-treatment is needed. 3. Immobilization and recovery of redox mediator presents a challenge. |
[47] |
Fungi | 1. Anthraquinone and indigo-based dyes decolorize at a faster pace. | 1. Azo dyes have a very low rate of decolorization. 2. A specialised bioreactor and an additional supply of carbon are required. 3. Acidic pH is needed. 4. Chemical and dye mixtures in textile wastewater inhibiting. |
[48] |
Latest works on textile dye removal techniques are presented in Table 10.
Types of dye | Adsorbent used | pH & Temp. | Isotherms followed | References |
Methyl Red | Adsorption by Guargum Powder | pH 4.2 & \(34^{o}\)C | Langmuir model | [52] |
Amido black-10 B | Nano photo catalyst | — | ——– | [53] |
Synthetic dye | Adsorption by sago waste | pH 4 & \(34^{o}\)C | Langmuir model | [54] |
Acid blue 92, Direct red 23, & Direct red 81 | Polymeric Adsorbent (poly amino primary secondary amine) | pH 12 | Langmuir isotherm | [55] |
Reactive red 120 | Nano filtration poly etherimide membrane | [56] | ||
Acid black 210 & acid red 357 | Activated carbon prepared from leather shaving wastes | pH 2 | Langmuir and BET models | [57] |
Residual Reactive blue 49 | A coagulant and a flocculant | pH 7 & \(60^{o}\)C | ———– | [58] |
Reactive red | Belpatra Bark charcoal adsorbent | \(50^{o}\)C & pH 3 | Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption | [59] |