
Minimization of layer feed cost using linear programming

Author(s): Gabriel Obed Fosu1, Jones Brefo Konadu1, Michael Yaw Yeboah1, Oppon-Wusu Kwaku Darko1
1Department of Mathematics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.
Copyright © Gabriel Obed Fosu, Jones Brefo Konadu, Michael Yaw Yeboah, Oppon-Wusu Kwaku Darko. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Poultry farms in Ghana are experiencing a decline, and some are at risk of collapsing due to the high cost of poultry feed. The aim of this paper is to assist poultry farmers in increasing their profits by reducing the cost of poultry feed. The linear programming technique is implemented to utilize locally available feed ingredients to formulate layer feed mix for the various stages of poultry growth, which includes chick mash (starter), grower, and prelayer. Mathematical models are constructed based on the nutrient requirements of the layers, nutrient composition of the available ingredients, and any other restrictions on the available ingredients for the formulation. Seven decision variables and eleven constraints are identified. Compared to the existing practice, it is estimated that the LP model’s optimal solution can reduce feed formulation costs by approximately 30%, 19%, and 14% in chick mash, grower, and prelayer, respectively.

Keywords: Poultry farming; feed ingredients cost; optimization.