Closed-form expressions are established for dimensionless long-tome solutions of some mixed initial-boundary value problems. They correspond to three isothermal unsteady motions of a class of incompressible Maxwell fluids with power-law dependence of viscosity on the pressure. The fluid motion, between infinite horizontal parallel flat plates, is induced by the lower plate that applies time-dependent shear stresses to the fluid. As a check of the obtained results, the similar solutions corresponding to the classical incompressible Maxwell fluids performing same motions are recovered as limiting cases of present solutions. Finally, some characteristics of fluid motion as well as the influence of pressure-viscosity coefficient on the fluid motion are graphically presented and discussed.
Keywords: Mixed boundary value problems; Long-time solutions; Maxwell fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity.
1. Introduction
The study of the motion of a fluid between parallel walls is both of
theoretical and practical interest. It was extensively developed due to
the various applications in engineering problems. However, very few
studies from the existing literature took into consideration the fact
that the fluid viscosity does not remain constant at high values of the
pressure. The first who remarked this variation of viscosity with the
pressure was Stokes in 1845 [1]. During the time experimental
investigations (see for instance the book of Bridgman [2] for the
pertinent literature prior to 1931, Cutler et al., [3], Johnson and
Tewaarwerk [4], Bair and Winer [5] or more recently Bair and
Kottke [6] and Prusa et al., [7] have certified this
supposition. In elastohydrodynamic lubrication, for instance, the effect
of the pressure on viscosity cannot be neglected. In addition,
relatively recent Kannan and Rajagopal [8] have remarked that in
many motions with practical applications the gravity has a significant
influence. Its effects are stronger if the pressure varies along the
direction in which the gravity acts.
The first exact steady solutions for isothermal unsteady motions of the
incompressible Newtonian fluids (INF) with pressure-dependent viscosity
in which the effects of gravity are taken into consideration have been
established by Rajagopal [9,10] and Prusa [11]. Analytical
expressions of the long-time (permanent or Long) solutions corresponding
to the modified Stokes’ problems for such fluids with power-law
dependence of viscosity on the pressure have been recently determined by
Fetecau and Agop [12] and Fetecau and Vieru [13]. Some of them
have been already extended to incompressible Maxwell fluids (IMF) of the
same type by Fetecau and Rauf [14] and Fetecau et al., [15].
However, all the above mentioned results correspond to boundary value
problems in which the velocity is given on the boundary. In practice,
there are many situations in which the shear stress is given on a part
of the boundary. They lead to mixed boundary value problems. Long-time
solutions for such problems describing motions of IFM with power-law
dependence of viscosity on the pressure have been determined by Fetecau
et al., [16,17]. The purpose of this note is to provide closed-form
expressions for the dimensionless velocity, shear stress and normal
stress fields corresponding to such motions of a new class of IMF with
power-law dependence of viscosity on the pressure. The obtained results
have been easy particularized to recover similar solutions for the
classical Incompressible Maxwell fluids (CIMF) performing the same
motions. The influence of the pressure-viscosity coefficient on the
fluid motion were graphically underlined and discussed.
2. Constitutive and governing equations
The constitutive equations of IMF with pressure-dependent viscosity are
given by the following relations (see Karra et al., [18]
T = – pI + S,\quad S + \lambda\left( \frac{\text{dS}}{\text{dt}} – \text{LS} – SL^{T} \right) = \eta(p)A.
Into above relations T is the Cauchy stress tensor,
S is the extra-stress tensor,\(A = L + L^{T}\) is the
first Rivlin-Ericksen tensor (L being the gradient of
the velocity vector \(v\)), I is the unit tensor,
\(\lambda\) is the relaxation time of the fluid, \(\eta( \cdot )\)is the
viscosity function and p is the Lagrange multiplier. However, as
well as in [18], in the following we shall refer to p as
pressure although in the governing equations (1) it is not the mean
normal stress. Due to the incompressibility constraint, the next
has to be satisfied. Constitutive equations of the form (1) involve the
fact that frictional forces exerted by adjacent layers on the fluid
depend of the normal force that acts between layers. In the following,
we shall consider for the viscosity function \(\eta( \cdot )\)a
power-law form having a subunit index, namely
where \(\alpha\) is the dimensional pressure-viscosity coefficient and
is the fluid viscosity at the reference pressure \(p_{0}\). If the
constant \(\alpha = 0\) in Eq. (3), the function \(\eta(p) = \mu\) and
the equations (1) reduce to the constitutive equations of CIMF. On the
other hand, if \(\lambda = 0\), the equations (1) define an INF with
pressure-dependent viscosity. If both \(\alpha\) and \(\lambda\) are
zero in these equations, the constitutive equations of classical
incompressible Newtonian fluids (CINF) are recovered.
Let us now consider an IMF with power-law dependence of viscosity on the
pressure of the form (3) at rest between two infinite horizontal
parallel plates at the distance d one of the other. At the moment
\(t = 0^{+}\) the lower plate begins to apply a time dependent shear
where S and are the amplitude, respectively the frequency of the
Due to the shear the fluid begins to move and, as well as Karra et al.,
[18], we are looking for a velocity field and pressure of the form
v = v(y,t) = u(y,t)e_{x},\quad p = p(y),
where is the unit vector lengthways the x-axis of a suitable
Cartesian coordinate system x, y and z whose
y-axis is perpendicular to the plates. For this velocity field
the incompressibility condition (2) is identically satisfied. We also
assume that the extra-stress tensor S, as well as the
fluid velocity \(v\), is a function of y and t only. The
fact that the fluid was at rest up to the initial moment allows us to
show that the components
\(S_{\text{xz}},S_{\text{yy}},S_{\text{yz}}\) and \(S_{\text{zz}}\) of
S are zero while non-trivial normal and shear stresses
\(\sigma(y,t) = S_{\text{xx}}(y,t)\), respectively
\(\tau(y,t) = S_{\text{xy}}(y,t)\) have to satisfy the following linear
differential equations,
In the case of conservative body forces but in the absence of a pressure
gradient in the flow direction, the balance of linear momentum reduces
to the following two relevant partial or ordinary differential equations,
Now, eliminating between the equalities (8)\(_{2}\)
and (9)\(_{1}\)
and bearing in mind the expressions of \(\eta(p)\)
and p from the equalities (3), respectively (10), one obtains for
the dimensional velocity field \(u(y,t)\) the following partial
differential equation,
Direct computations show that the solving the ordinary linear
differential Eqs (13) and (14) with the initial condition \(\tau(0,0)=0\) leads to
expressions of the form (4), respectively (5) for \(\tau(0,t)\)). Consequently, the
motion of the IMF in consideration is generated by the lower plate that
applies shear stresses of the form (4) or (5) to the fluid. At large
values of the time t, these shear stresses can be approximated by
the oscillatory expressions,
and the fluid motion becomes steady-state or permanent in time. In
practice, an important problem for such motions of fluids is to know the
need time to reach the steady-state. This is the time after which the
transients disappear or can be neglected and the fluid behavior is
characterized by the long-time solutions. This is the reason that, in
the following, we will establish exact expressions for the dimensionless
long-time velocity fields and the adequate shear and normal stresses
corresponding to the two motions of IMF with power-law dependence of
viscosity on the pressure of the form (3) induced by the lower plate
that applies a shear stress of the form (4) or (5) to the fluid.
To do that we introduce the next non-dimensional variables, functions
and parameters,
in the previous relations. Dropping out the star notation one obtains
the following mixed initial-boundary value problem for the dimensionless
velocity field \(u(y,t)\),
If the velocity \(u(y,t)\) is determined, the corresponding shear and normal
stresses \(\tau(y,t)\) and \(\sigma(y,t)\) can be successively obtained solving the ordinary linear
differential equations,
are Reynolds, respectively Weissenberg numbers, is the kinematic
viscosity of the fluid and V is a characteristic velocity.
3. Long-time solutions
For distinction, we denote by \(u_{c}(y,t)\), \(\tau_{c}(y,t)\),
\(\sigma_{c}(y,t)\) and \(u_{s}(y,t)\), \(\tau_{s}(y,t)\),
\(\sigma_{s}(y,t)\) the dimensionless starting solutions corresponding
to the two motions of IMF with power-law dependence of viscosity on the
pressure induced by the lower plate that applies shear stresses of the
form (4), respectively (5) to the fluid. These solutions can be
presented as sums of the long-time components \(u_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\),
\(\tau_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\), respectively \(u_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\),
\(\tau_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\), \(\sigma_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\) and the
corresponding transient components. Some time after the motion
initiation, the fluid moves according to the starting solutions. After
this time, when the transients disappear, the fluid motion is
characterized by the long-time solutions which are independent of the
initial conditions but satisfy the boundary conditions and the governing
equations. In practice, this time is important for the experimental
researchers who want to know the required time to touch the steady or
permanent state. To determine this time the long-time solutions have to
be known and we shall determine them in the following.
3.1. Exact expressions for the long-time velocity fields \(u_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) and \(u_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\)
In order to determine both components in a simple way and in the same
time, let us denote by the dimensionless complex velocity defined by the
where i is the imaginary unit. Bearing in mind the relations (17)
and (19) it results that has to be solution of the following mixed
boundary value problem,
The Eq. (31) is an ordinary differential equation of Airy type
whose general solution is of the form (see for instance [19, the
exercise 34 on the page 251]),
where \(\mathfrak{Re}\) and \(\mathfrak{Im}\) denote the real, respectively the imaginary part of that
which follows. As expected, making into above relations, the similar
solutions corresponding to the isothermal motions of INF with power-law
dependence of viscosity on the pressure of the form (3) induced by the
lower plate that applies a shear stress of the form \(S\cos(\omega t)\)
or \(S\sin(\omega t)\) to the fluid are recovered [20, Eqs (31) and
3.2. Exact expressions for the long-time shear stresses \(\tau_{\mathbf{\text{cp}}}(y,t)\) and \(\tau_{\mathbf{\text{sp}}}(y,t)\)
By substituting \(\tau_{p}(y,t)\) and the derivative of \(u_{p}(y,t)\) with respect to y from Eqs.
(40) and (41) respectively, in (39) and following the same way as before, we
find that,
Direct computations clearly show that \(u_{p}(y,t)\) and \(\tau_{p}(y,t)\) given by the equalities (35)
and (42) satisfy the partial differential equation (39). The
dimensionless long-time frictional forces per unit area exerted by the
fluid on the stationary plate are given by the relations,
in which the derivative of \(u_{p}(y,t)\) with regard to y and
\(\tau_{p}(y,t)\) are given by the relations (41), respectively (42).
Following the same way as before, it is not difficult to show that
Of course, the equality (48) is identically satisfied if \(u_{p}(y,t)\), \(\tau_{p}(y,t)\) and \(\sigma_{p}(y,t)\) are given
by the relations (35), (42) and (49) respectively.
4. Limiting cases
In this section, for a check of results that have been previously
obtained, some limiting cases are considered and different known results
from the existing literature are recovered.
4.1. Case \(\omega \rightarrow 0\); Motion due to an exponential shear stress
on the boundary
As we already justified in §2, the motions that have been
previously studied are induced by the lower plate that applies a shear
stress of the form (4) or (5) to the fluid. Making in Eq. (4), the
corresponding motion is due to an exponential shear stress,
on the boundary. For differentiation, the dimensionless steady solutions
corresponding to this motion will be denoted by \(u_{\text{Ep}}(y)\),
\(\tau_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) and \(\sigma_{\text{Ep}}(y)\). Logically
speaking, they have to be the limits of \(u_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\),
\(\tau_{\mathbf{\text{cp}}}\mathbf{(y,t)}\), respectively
\(\sigma_{\mathbf{\text{cp}}}\mathbf{(y,t)}\) when
\(\omega \rightarrow 0\), i.e.,
In order to determine the expressions of \(u_{\text{Ep}}(y)\),
\(\tau_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) and \(\sigma_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) in a simple way,
let us consider the motion of INF with power-law dependence of viscosity
on the pressure of the form (3) produced by the lower plate that applies
a constant shear stress S to the fluid. Direct computations show
that the dimensionless steady solutions corresponding to this last
motion are given by the following relations,
and Figures 1-3 clearly show that the diagrams of
\(\tau_{\mathbf{\text{cp}}}\mathbf{(y,t)}\) and
\(\sigma_{\mathbf{\text{cp}}}\mathbf{(y,t)}\) tend to superpose
over those of \(u_{\text{NSp}}(y)\), \(\tau_{\text{NSp}}\), respectively
\(\sigma_{\text{NSp}}(y)\) when \(\omega \rightarrow 0\).
Figure 1. Convergence of the long-time velocity \(u_{cp}(y,t)\) given by Eq. (36) to the corresponding Newtonian solution \(u_{NSp}(y)\) given by Eq. (54)\(_1\) for \(\alpha=0.8,Re{=}100,\mathrm{We}=1=t=5\) and \(\omega\rightarrow0\).Figure 2. Convergence of the long-timee shear stress \(\tau_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) given by Eq. (43) to the corresponding Newtonian solution \(\tau_{\text{NSp}}\) given by Eq. (54)\(_{2}\) for \(\alpha = 0.8,\text{Re} = 100,\text{We} = 1,t = 5\) and \(\omega \rightarrow 0\).Figure 3. Convergence of long-time normal stress \(\sigma_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) given by Eqs. (50) to the corresponding Newtonian solution \(\sigma_{\text{NSp}}(y)\) given by Eq. (54)\(_{3}\) for \(\alpha = 0.8,\text{Re} = 100,\text{We} = 1,t = 5\) and \(\omega \rightarrow 0\).
Consequently, the solutions \(u_{\text{Ep}}(y)\), \(\tau_{\text{Ep}}\)
and \(\sigma_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) are given by the relations,
This is not a surprise because, in the steady case, the governing
equations corresponding to two motions of IMF or INF with power-law
dependence of viscosity on the pressure as well as the boundary
conditions at large values of the time t are identical. In
addition, a surprising result consists in the fact that the
dimensionless shear stress is constant on the entire flow domain
although the corresponding velocity and normal stress are functions of
the spatial variable y and the pressure-viscosity coefficient .
Furthermore, this constant is even the dimensionless shear stress
applied by the lower plate to the INF.
4.2. Case \(\alpha\rightarrow 0\) ; Long-time solutions for CIMF performing the initial
Based on some approximations of the standard Bessel functions
\(J_{\nu}( \cdot )\)and \(Y_{\nu}( \cdot )\), namely
J_{\nu}(z) \approx \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi z}}\cos\left\lbrack z – \frac{(2\nu + 1)\pi}{4} \right\rbrack,\quad Y_{\nu}(z) \approx \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi z}}\sin\left\lbrack z – \frac{(2\nu + 1)\pi}{4} \right\rbrack\text{for}\left| z \right| > > 1,
it is not difficult to show that the complex fields \(u_{p}(y,t)\), \(\tau_{p}(y,t)\) and \(\sigma_{p}(y,t)\) can be
approximated by the following expressions,
for small enough values of the non-dimensional pressure-viscosity
coefficient \(\alpha\). Now, using the Maclaurin series expansions of
the expressions \(\lbrack 1 + \alpha(1 – y)\rbrack^{3/4}\) and
\((1 + \alpha)^{3/4}\) in the approximations (57)-(59) and then the
and taking the limit of the obtained results for
\(\alpha\rightarrow 0\) one obtains the
dimensionless complex velocity, shear stress and normal stress fields,
corresponding to the CIMF performing the initial motions. Into above
relations the complex constant
b = \sqrt{\text{}\text{Re}(1 + i\omega\text{We})}.
Consequently, the dimensionless velocity fields \(u_{\text{Ccp}}(y,t)\),
\(u_{\text{Csp}}(y,t)\) and the adequate shear and normal stresses
\(\tau_{\text{Ccp}}(y,t)\), \(\tau_{\text{Csp}}(y,t)\),
\(\sigma_{\text{Ccp}}(y,t)\), \(\sigma_{\text{Csp}}(y,t)\) corresponding
to the these motions of CIMF are given by the relations (see Fetecau et
al., [17, Eqs. (70)-(75)]
4.3. Case \(\alpha\) and \(\omega\rightarrow 0\); Motion of CIMF due to an exponential shear stress on the boundary
Making \(\alpha \rightarrow 0\) in Eqs. (55) or \(\omega \rightarrow 0\)
in (65), (67) and (69) one recovers the dimensionless steady solutions
[17, Eqs. (84)-(86)],
corresponding to the isothermal motion of CIMF produced by the lower
plate that applies an exponential shear stress
\(\lbrack 1 – \exp( – t/\lambda)\rbrack S\) to the fluid. The first two
solutions, as expected, are identical to the steady solutions
\(u_{\text{CNSp}}(y)\) and \(\tau_{\text{CNSp}}\) corresponding to the
isothermal motion of CINF generated by the lower plate that applies a
constant shear stress S to the fluid while the corresponding
normal stress \(\sigma_{\text{CNSp}} = 0\).
5. Some numerical results and conclusions
Generally, exact solutions corresponding to specific boundary value
problems describe the behavior of a material subject to some
deformations or motions. In addition, they can be used to verify various
numerical schemes that are developed to study more complex problems. In
the present work are established analytical expressions for the
dimensionless long-time velocities and the adequate normal and shear
stresses corresponding to isothermal motions of IMF with power-law
dependence of viscosity on the pressure. The fluid motion, between two
infinite horizontal parallel plates, is generated by the lower plate
that applies time-dependent shear stresses to the fluid. Consequently,
contrary to what is usually assumed in the existing literature, the
shear stress is prescribed on a part of the boundary. Prescribing the
shear stress on the plate is the same to give the force applied in order
to move it.
Obtained solutions are presented in simple forms in terms of standard
Bessel functions. For a check of their corrections, the dimensionless
steady solutions \(u_{\text{NSp}}(y)\),\(\tau_{\text{NSp}}\) and
\(\sigma_{\text{NSp}}(y)\) corresponding to the isothermal motion
induced by the lower plate that applies a constant shear stress S
to an INF with power-law dependence of viscosity on the pressure have
been used. More exactly, by means of Figures 1-3, the convergence of
long-time solutions , and to these solutions has been graphically
proved. In this way, as it was to be expected, we showed that the
dimensionless steady solutions \(u_{\text{Ep}}(y)\),
\(\tau_{\text{Ep}}\) and \(\sigma_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) corresponding to the
isothermal motion generated by the lower plate that applies an
exponential shear stress \(\lbrack 1 – \exp( – t/\lambda)\rbrack S\) to
an IMF with power-law dependence of viscosity on the pressure are
identical to \(u_{\text{NSp}}(y)\),\(\tau_{\text{NSp}}\), respectively
Finally, in order to emphasize some physical insight of results that
have been here obtained, Figures 4-10 have been depicted for different
values of the dimensionless pressure-viscosity coefficient and of the
spatial variable y. The time variation of the mid plane
velocities \(u_{\text{cp}}(0.5,t),u_{\text{sp}}(0.5,t)\), of frictional
forces per unit area \(\tau_{\text{cp}}(1,t),\tau_{\text{sp}}(1,t)\)
exerted by the fluid on the fixed plate and of the normal stresses
\(\sigma_{\text{cp}}(0,t)\) and \(\sigma_{\text{sp}}(0,t)\) on the
moving plate are presented in Figures 4-6 at increasing
values of and fixed values of the other parameters. The oscillatory
characteristic features of these entities of physical interest, as well
as the phase difference between solutions corresponding to motions due
to shear stresses of the form (4) or (5) on the boundary, are clearly
visualized. From Figures 4 and 5 it also results that the larger
pressure-viscosity coefficient the larger amplitude of velocity and
shear stress oscillations. An opposite result appears in the case of
normal stresses.
Figures 7-9 together present the time variations of \(u_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) and
and \(\tau_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\), respectively \(\sigma_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\)
and \(\sigma_{\mathbf{\text{sp}}}\mathbf{(y,t)}\) at increasing
values of the spatial variable y. As expected, the oscillations’
amplitude corresponding to the fluid velocity and shear stress
diminishes for increasing values of y while the amplitude of
normal stresses is an increasing function with respect to this variable.
Consequently, the fluid velocity and the corresponding shear stress in
absolute value are higher in the vicinity of the moving plate. Last
Figure 10 presents the variations of \(u_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) and
\(\sigma_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) at increasing values of the pressure-viscosity
coefficient \(\alpha\). The fluid velocity in absolute value, as well as
the normal stress, is a decreasing function of \(\alpha\). This is
possible because the fluid viscosity increases for growing values of
\(\alpha\) and its velocity decreases. Both entities smoothly increase
from minimum values on the lower plate to the values zero, respectively
two on the upper plate.
Figure 4. Time variations of the mid plane velocities
\(u_{\text{cp}}(0.5,t)\) and \(u_{\text{sp}}(0.5,t)\)for \(\text{Re} = 100,\text{We} = 1,\omega = \pi/12\) and decreasing values of \(\alpha\).Figure 5. Time variations of the frictional forces per unit area \(\tau_{\text{cp}}(1,t)\) and \(\tau_{\text{sp}}(1,t)\) for \(\text{Re} = 100,\text{We} = 1,\omega = \pi/12\) and decreasing values of \(\alpha\).Figure 6. Time variations of the normal stresses
\(\sigma_{\text{cp}}(0,t)\) and \(\sigma_{\text{sp}}(0,t)\) on the bottom plate for \(\text{Re} = 100,\text{We} = 1,\omega = \pi/12\) and
decreasing values of \(\alpha\).Figure 7. Time variations of the velocity fields \(u_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) and \(u_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\) for \(\text{Re} = 100,\) \(\text{We} = 1,\omega = \pi/12,\alpha = 0.8\) and increasing values of y.Figure 8. Time variations of the shear stresses \(\tau_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) and \(\tau_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\) for \(\text{Re} = 100,\) \(\text{We} = 1,\omega = \pi/12,\alpha = 0.8\) and increasing values of y.Figure 9. Time variations of the normal stresses \(\sigma_{\text{cp}}(y,t)\) and \(\sigma_{\text{sp}}(y,t)\) for \(\text{Re} = 100,\) \(\text{We} = 1,\omega = \pi/12,\alpha = 0.8\) and increasing values of y.Figure 10. Profiles of \(u_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) and \(\sigma_{\text{Ep}}(y)\) for \(\text{We} = 1\) and decreasing values of the pressure-viscosity coefficient \(\alpha\).
The significant outcomes that have been obtained by means of the present
study are:
Two isothermal motions of some IMF with power-law dependence of
viscosity on the pressure between parallel plates were investigated
when the gravity effects are taken into consideration.
Analytical expressions for the dimensionless long-time solutions
corresponding to these motions were established when the lower plate
applies time-dependent shear stresses to the fluid.
As a check of their corrections, the solutions of CIMF performing same
motions have been recovered as limiting cases of present results using
appropriate approximations of Bessel functions.
Oscillatory behavior of these motions, phase difference between them
and the influence of pressure-viscosity coefficient on the obtained
solutions is graphically brought to light and discussed.
Similar solutions for the motion of same fluids generated by the lower
plate that applies an exponential shear stress
\(\lbrack 1 – \exp( – t/\lambda)\rbrack S\) to the fluid have been
also determined.
Steady shear stress corresponding to this motion is constant on the
entire flow domain although the corresponding velocity and normal
stress are functions of y and . This constant is even the
non-dimensional shear stress applied to the fluid by the lower plate.
Author Contributions
All authors contributed equally in this paper. All authors read and approved the final version of this paper.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Data Availability
All data required for this research is included within this paper.
Funding Information
No funding is available for this research.
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