
The correlation of quadriceps angle with respect to bicondylar distance of femur and body height measurement in north indian adult human population

Author(s): Sumit Kumar1, Sudha Srivastava1, Pawan Kumar Mahato2
1Department of Anatomy, Malwanchal University, Indore, M.P, India.
2Department of Anatomy, Shri shankracharya Institute of medical sciences, Bhilai Chhattishgarh, India.
Copyright © Sumit Kumar, Sudha Srivastava, Pawan Kumar Mahato. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Before taking the dimension, the persons were positioned such that the hips and knees were in extension, the quadriceps muscles were relaxed, and the legs and ankles were neutral. Following mark¬ing, one of the arms of the manual goniometric was placed such that the ASIS and the patellar middle point were combined, and the other arm was placed so that the tuberose as tibia and the patellar centre were collective. The dimension value was recorded after the manual goniometry was positioned. \textbf{Aim and Objective:} The objective of the study is to find out the bilateral variation in the mean Q- angle (Quadriceps angle) values in both male and female. This study is to determine the correlation between Q- angle (quadriceps angle) values, Bicondylar distance and body height measurement. Material and Method: The present study was done on 500 adult human subjects (300 male and 200 female) of north Indian origin. The Q angle is precise with a full circle universal manual goniometry which is made of clear steel with the subject standing in the upright weight-bearing position. Result: The dimension of Quadriceps angle values in males from right side (mean 13.25) and from left side (mean 13.41) , the Q- angle values in females from right side (mean 16.97) and from left side (mean 16.35) (P<0.0001). The effect shows that the Q- angle was more prominent in females than in males. The difference of Q-angle with dominant side revealed that left side of Q- angle value (both males and females) was more often higher than right side. Conclusion and Discussion: The Quadriceps angle values of both males and females decreases with increases in body height which shows a positive correlation with body height and condylar distance. Positive correlation exists between Quadriceps angle and Body height.