
Prospective study of the single puncture laparoscopic tubal ligation

Author(s): Nagesh Shrirampant Nagapurkar1, Swati Nagesh Nagapurkar2, Khan Amreen Kausar3
1Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, JIIU Indian Institute of Medical Science and Rsearch, Badnapur, Jalna.
2Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, JIIU Indian Institute of Medical Science and Rsearch, Badnapur, Jalna.
3Senior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, JIIU Indian Institute of Medical Science and Rsearch, Badnapur, Jalna.
Copyright © Nagesh Shrirampant Nagapurkar, Swati Nagesh Nagapurkar, Khan Amreen Kausar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Objective: To evaluate the demographic data such as age, parity, living male child, educational status, intraoperative, and postoperative complications of laparoscopic tubal ligation by single puncture method.
Methods: A prospective study of Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation was conducted at a medical college during 2016-2022. A total of 1060 cases were enrolled based on criteria, and Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation was performed under sedation plus local anesthesia. The procedure was done after 1st trimester MTP, during the interval, and the puerperal period.
Result: Most of the patients (79.67%) were in the age group of 22-30 years. 53.38% were para 2. Out of the total, 97.24% of women had 2 or more living children, while only 2.76% had only one living child. Similarly, 97.24% had 1 or more male child, and only 2.76% had no male child. During the procedure, 3 (0.28%) patients had uterine perforation, and one (0.9%) had Mesosalpinx hematoma that required laparotomy. Additionally, 3 (0.28%) patients had serous and blood discharge from the wound, 4 (0.37%) had wound gaping, and 1 (0.9%) had omental prolapse. None of the patients developed peritonitis, bowel injury, or required laparotomy at a later stage. Further study and follow-up are required to comment on the failure rates.
Conclusion: The associated factors with single puncture laparoscopic tubal ligation include age, parity, number of living children, male child, complications, and timing of surgery.

Keywords: Laproscopic tubal ligation; Prospective study; Hematoma.