Volume 4 (2021) Issue 2

Author(s): Youssef Ouafik1
1National School of Applied Sciences of Safi, Cadi Ayyad University, Safi, Morocco

In this work, we numerically study a dynamic frictional contact problem between a thermo-piezoelectric body and a conductive foundation. The linear thermo-electro-elastic constitutive law is employed to model the thermo-piezoelectric material. The contact is modelled by the Signorini condition and the friction by the Coulomb law. A frictional heat generation and heat transfer across the contact surface are assumed. The heat exchange coefficient is assumed to depend on contact pressure. Hybrid formulation is introduced, it is a coupled system for the displacement field, the electric potential, the temperature and two Lagrange multipliers. The discrete scheme of the coupled system is introduced based on a finite element method to approximate the spatial variable and an Euler scheme to discretize the time derivate. The thermo-mechanical contact is treated by using an augmented Lagrangian approach. A solution algorithm is discussed and implemented. Numerical simulation results are reported, illustrating the mechanical behavior related to the contact condition.

Author(s): Marwan Al-Raeei1
1Faculty of Sciences, Damascus University, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

We estimate the incubation period values and other forecasting predictors of SARS-CoV-2 for different countries located in different geographical locations of the earth and each one has a certain climate. The considered countries are the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Spain, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Cyprus, India, France, and the Syrian Arab Republic. For estimating of the forecasting predictors values, we use the SEIR epidemic model and Runge-Kutta simulation method. The estimations are done up to the beginning of 2021 in aforementioned countries based on the collected data in these countries. We find that the incubation period values of SARS-CoV-2 are located between 2.5 days which returns to Bahrain and 10 days which returns to some countries in middle east. Also, we find that the average value of this period is about 6.5 days for the different location countries. Besides, we find that the average values of SARS-CoV-2 critical immunisation threshold, SARS-CoV-2 basic reproduction number and SARS-CoV-2 steady state population are 0.5, 2.3 and 0.5 respectively.

Author(s): Pranay Dutta1, Md. Razaya Rabbi2, Mohammad Abu Sufian3, Shahnaz Mahjebin4
1Department of Textile Technology, Chittagong Technical College, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
2Department of Merchandising Opex and Sinha Textile Group, Narayangonj, Bangladesh.
3Department of Wet Processing, Textile Engineering College Zorargonj, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
4Department of Industrial Engineering, Regency Garments Ltd., Chattogram, Bangladesh.

Although synthetic dyes are commonly used, natural dyes are still being utilized and used to improve their intrinsic aesthetic properties as the main material for the body’s beauty. For example, research results have shown that henna plant leaves comprise dye together with other additives. This provides a hint that if color from henna is properly studied, it can be used not only as body decoration but may also have fiber-substrates affinity. This paper explores the dyeing possibility-the ability to dye and the fastness qualities of henna dye extracted from henna leaves on cotton fabric compared to reactive dyeing using the same dyeing technique as reactive dyeing. Also, color fastness tests have been performed according to the ISO test methods. The implications of henna dye have been shown to have poor to moderate dyeing capability towards cotton fabrics as opposed to the reactive dyes when henna dyeing is accompanied by reactive dyeing. Similarly, henna dye demonstrated satisfactory properties of fastness as opposed to reactive dye. For henna dye with 50% shade, it gives an outstanding color tone with a good level of coloration. Taken into account the ability to dye and the fastness of color, the dyeing of matured henna leaves is equally advantageous to the dyeing of cotton fabrics.

Author(s): Naila Mehreen1, Matloob Anwar1
1School of Natural Sciences, National University of Sciences and Technology, H-12 Islamabad, Pakistan.

The aim of this paper is to establish the Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér type inequalities for co-ordinated harmonically convex functions via Katugampola fractional integral. We provide Hermite-Hadamard-Fej\’er inequalities for harmonically convex functions via Katugampola fractional integral in one dimension.

Author(s): Reuben Iortyer Gweryina1, Francis Shienbee Kaduna2, Muhammadu Yahaya Kura3
1Department of Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science, College of Science, Nigeria.
2Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Nigeria.
3Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nigeria.

Marriage is the living together of two persons as husband and wife. Separation and Divorce are the frontier challenges facing the existence of stable family system. In this paper, we construct an epidemiological model of divorce epidemic using standard incidence function as force of marital disunity. The study examines qualitatively that the two equilibra (divorce-free and endemic equilibrium point) are globally stable by Lyapunov functions. Numerical results reveal that, anti-divorce protocols and reconciliation can jointly stabilize marriages, and Married cases that survive divorce epidemic in 30 years period of marriage (twice the survival period of separation) cannot break again.