
The local fractional natural transform and its applications to differential equations on Cantor sets

Author(s): Djelloul Ziane1, Mountassir Hamdi Cherif2
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Material Sciences, Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla, Algeria
2Hight School of Electrical and Energetics Engineering of Oran (ESGEE-Oran), Oran, Algeria
Copyright © Djelloul Ziane, Mountassir Hamdi Cherif. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The work that we have done in this paper is the coupling method between the local fractional derivative and the Natural transform (we can call it the local fractional Natural transform), where we have provided some essential results and properties. We have applied this method to some linear local fractional differential equations on Cantor sets to get nondifferentiable solutions. The results show this transform’s effectiveness when we combine it with this operator.

Keywords: local fractional calculus; local fractional Laplace transform; natural transform method; local fractional differential equations.