In this paper, we use the \(\varphi ^{6}\)-model expansion method to construct the traveling wave solutions for the reaction-diffusion equation. The method of \(\varphi ^{6}\)-model expansion enables the explicit retrieval of a wide variety of solution types, such as bright, singular, periodic, and combined singular soliton solutions. Kink-type solitons, also known as topological solitons in the context of water waves, are another type of solution that can be explicitly retrieved. This study’s results might enhance the equation’s nonlinear dynamical properties. The method proposes a practical and efficient method for solving a sizable class of nonlinear partial differential equations. The dynamical features of the data are explained and highlighted using exciting graphs.
The study of surfaces in geometry (see [1,2,3,4,5]) and a variety of mechanical issues are where partial differential equations (PDEs) first showed up. The study of various issues brought on by partial differential equations attracted the attention of eminent mathematicians worldwide in the late 19th century. This work was primarily motivated by the fact that partial differential equations commonly appear in the mathematical analysis of a wide range of problems in science and engineering and describe many fundamental natural laws [6]. It is now incredibly beneficial to look for precise answers to nonlinear evolution equations and partial differential equations NLEEs using various techniques. There are numerous effective techniques, such as the inverse scattering transform approach [7], the Homoclinic technique [8], the sinh-Gordon function method [9], the generalized exponential rational function method [10], the auxiliary equation method [11], An alternative method [12], the Bernoulli sub-equation function method [13,14], the sub-equation analytical method [15], the modified sub-equation method [16], the auto-Backlund transformation method [17] and so on.
This study focuses on the reaction-diffusion equation, and the equation has been investigated via many direct methods. Among these are; The sine-Gordon expansion method [18], the rational \((G’/G)\)-expansion method [19], the \((G’/G)\)-expansion method [20], the projective Riccati equation method [21]. The reaction-diffusion model is studied in this research using the newly developed \(\varphi ^{6}\)–model expansion method [22,23,24,25]), which results in the restoration of optical solitary wave solutions.
The plan for this work is provided below. In §2, a presentation of the \(\varphi ^{6}\)-model expansion method will be provided. Next, the reaction-diffusion model will be developed using the \(\varphi 6\) approach in §3 to provide new traveling wave solutions to the reaction-diffusion equation. Moreover, the associated 3D, 2D, and density graphs clearly illustrate the physical structure of the traveling wave solution. Finally, in §4, conclusions are reached.
2. The \(\varphi ^{6}\)-model expansion technique
According to [22,23,24,25], the steps involves for the \(\varphi ^{6}\)-model expansion technique are given as:
Step-1: Assuming the nonlinear evolution equation (NLEE)
for \(W=W(x,t)\) is in the form.
\(M\) can be gotten using the balancing rule, \(\alpha _{j}(j=0,1,2, \ldots ,M)\) are to be determined constants and \(Q(\zeta )\) satisfies the auxiliary NLODE;
where \(l_{j}(j=0,2,4)\) are unknown constants to be determined, \(g\) and \(f\)
are given by
f =\frac{h_{4}(l_{2}-h_{2})}{%
(l_{2}-h_{2})^{2}+3l_{0}l_{4}-2l_{2}(l_{2}-h_{2})}, \\
g =\frac{3l_{0}h_{4}}{(l_{2}-h_{2})^{2}+3l_{0}l_{4}-2l_{2}(l_{2}-h_{2})},
Step-5: The Jacobi elliptic solutions of Eq. (7) can be calculated when \(0< m< 1\), the exact solutions of Eq. (1) can be derived by substituting Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) into Eq. (4).
\(m\rightarrow 1\)
\(m\rightarrow 0\)
\(m\rightarrow 1\)
\(m\rightarrow 0\)
\(sn(\zeta ,m)\)
\(tanh(\zeta )\)
\(sin(\zeta )\)
\(ds(\zeta ,m)\)
\(csch(\zeta )\)
\(csc(\zeta )\)
\(cn(\zeta ,m)\)
\(sech(\zeta )\)
\(cos(\zeta )\)
\(sc(\zeta ,m)\)
\(sinh(\zeta )\)
\(tan(\zeta )\)
\(dn(\zeta ,m)\)
\(sech(\zeta )\)
\(sd(\zeta ,m)\)
\(sinh(\zeta )\)
\(sin(\zeta )\)
\(ns(\zeta ,m)\)
\(coth(\zeta )\)
\(csc(\zeta )\)
\(nc(\zeta ,m)\)
\(cosh(\zeta )\)
\(sec(\zeta )\)
\(cs(\zeta ,m)\)
\(csch(\zeta )\)
\(cot(\zeta )\)
\(cd(\zeta ,m)\)
\(cos(\zeta )\)
3. Application to the reaction-diffusion equation
The \(\varphi ^{6}\)-model expansion method, which was explained in the previous part, we take into account the reaction-diffusion equation’s following form.
{W_{tt}} + d W + n{W^3} + \beta {W_{xx}} = 0, \label{18}
here real constants \(\beta\) , \(d\) and \(n\) are the real constants, Eq. (10) is reduced to the following ODE using the traveling wave transformation \(W(x, t) = W(\zeta) = G(x- vt)\):
{(v^2 + \beta)}{W^{”}} + n{W^3} + d W = 0, \label{19}
where \(M+2=3M\), therefore, \(M= 1\) is obtained as a result of the balance principle between \({W^{”}}\) and \({W^3}\); so, the solution form can be expressed as
where \(\alpha _{0},\alpha _{1}\) and \(\alpha _{2}\) are constants to be
We obtain the following algebraic equations by substituting Eq. (12) along
with Eq. (5) into Eq. (11) and setting the coefficients of all powers of
\(Q^{j}(\zeta )\), \(j=0,1,\ldots ,6\) to be equal to zero;
The following solutions of Eq. (10) can be obtained with the help of Eqs. (6), (12) and (14) along with the Jacobi elliptic functions in the table above.
1. If \(l_{0}=1\), \(l_{2}=-(1+m^{2})\), \(l_{4}=m^{2}\), \(0< m< 1\), then \(%
P(\zeta )=sn(\zeta ,m)\) or \(P(\zeta )=cd(\zeta ,m)\), and we have
such that \(\zeta =x-vt\) and \(f\) and \(g\) in
Eq. (8) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2+m^2+1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =-\frac{3 h_4}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the restriction condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-m^2-1\right)\left(9 m^2-\left(-h_2-m^2-1\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(-m^2-1\right)\right)\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the kink soliton is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-2\right)\left(9-\left(-h_2-2\right) \left(h_2-4\right)\right) =0.
Figure 1. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{1,2}} \right|\) given by Eq. (17), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=0.1, v =0.6, n = 0.5, h_4=0.3, h_2=0.1 .\).
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the periodic solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-1\right)\left(-\left(-h_2-1\right) \left(h_2-2\right)\right)=0.
Figure 2. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{1,3}} \right|\) given by Eq. (18), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=0.2, v =0.12, n = 0.15, h_4=0.03, h_2=0.1 .\).
2. If \(l_{0}=1-m^{2}\), \(l_{2}=2m^{2}-1\), \(%
l_{4}=-m^{2} \), \(0< m< 1\), then \(P(\zeta )=cn(\zeta ,m)\) therefore
where \(f\) and \(g\) are determined by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2-2 m^2+1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =\frac{3 h_4 \left(m^2-1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right)\left(-\left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2 m^2-1\right)\right)-9 \left(1-m^2\right) m^2\right)=0
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the bright soliton is retrieved
provided that
h_4^2 \left(1-h_2\right)\left(-\left(1-h_2\right) \left(h_2+2\right)\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the periodic solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-1\right)\left(-\left(-h_2-1\right) \left(h_2-2\right)\right)=0.
Figure 3. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{2,3}} \right|\) given by Eq. (21), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=0.3, v =1.2, n = 1.2, h_4=0.4, h_2=0.3 \).
3. If \(l_{0}=m^{2}-1\), \(l_{2}=2-m^{2}\), \(l_{4}=-1\), \(0< m< 1\), then \(%
P(\zeta )=dn(\zeta ,m)\) which gives
where \(f\) and \(g\) are determined by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2+m^2-2\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =-\frac{3 h_4 \left(m^2-1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the restriction condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-m^2+2\right)\left(-\left(-h_2-m^2+2\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2-m^2\right)\right)-9 \left(m^2-1\right)\right)=0
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the rational solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(2-h_2\right)\left(9-\left(2-h_2\right) \left(h_2+4\right)\right) =0.
4. If \(l_{0}=m^{2}\), \(l_{2}=-\left( 1+m^{2}\right) \), \(l_{4}=1\), \(%
0< m< 1\), then \(P(\zeta )=ns(\zeta ,m)\) or \(P(\zeta )=dc(\zeta ,m)\) then
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2+m^2+1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =-\frac{3 h_4 m^2}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-m^2-1\right)\left(9 m^2-\left(-h_2-m^2-1\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(-m^2-1\right)\right)\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the dark singular solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-2\right)\left(9-\left(-h_2-2\right) \left(h_2-4\right)\right) =0
Figure 4. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{4,2}} \right|\) given by Eq. (26), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=3.5, v =1.001, n = 2.1, h_4=0.6, h_2=0.1 \).
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the periodic solution is obtained
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2-2 m^2+1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =\frac{3 h_4 m^2}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right)\left(-\left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2 m^2-1\right)\right)-9 \left(1-m^2\right) m^2\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the singular solitary wave solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(1-h_2\right)\left(-\left(1-h_2\right) \left(h_2+2\right)\right)=0.
Figure 5. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{5,2}} \right|\) given by Eq. (29), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=0.9, v =0.75, n = 0.2, h_4=1.8, h_2=0.3 \).
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the periodic solution is obtained
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2+m^2-2\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =\frac{3 h_4}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-m^2+2\right)\left(-\left(-h_2-m^2+2\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2-m^2\right)\right)-9 \left(m^2-1\right)\right) =0.
7. If \(l_{0}=1\), \(l_{2}=2-m^{2}\), \(l_{4}=1-m^{2}\),\(0< m< 1\), then \(P(\zeta )=sc(\zeta ,m)\), and we have
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2+m^2-2\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =-\frac{3 h_4}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-m^2+2\right)\left(9 \left(1-m^2\right)-\left(-h_2-m^2+2\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2-m^2\right)\right)\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the soliton solution is retrieved
such that
h_4^2 \left(1-h_2\right)\left(-\left(1-h_2\right) \left(h_2+2\right)\right)=0.
Figure 6. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{7,2}} \right|\) given by Eq. (33), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=0.1, v =0.9, n = 0.2, h_4=0.24, h_2=0.1 \).
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the periodic wave solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(2-h_2\right)\left(9-\left(2-h_2\right) \left(h_2+4\right)\right)=0.
Figure 7. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{7,3}} \right|\) given by Eq. (34), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=0.5, v =1.8, n = 0.3, h_4=0.06, h_2=0.1 \).
8. If \(l_{0}=1\), \(l_{2}=2m^{2}-1\), \(l_{4}=-m^{2}\left(
1-m^{2}\right) \), \(0< m< 1\), then \(P(\zeta )=sd(\zeta ,m)\) and we have
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2-2 m^2+1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =-\frac{3 h_4}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right)\left(-\left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2 m^2-1\right)\right)-9 \left(1-m^2\right) m^2\right) =0.
9. If \(l_{0}=1-m^{2}\), \(l_{2}=2-m^{2}\), \(l_{4}=1\), \(0< m< 1\), then \(%
P(\zeta )=cs(\zeta ,m)\) and we have
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2+m^2-2\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =\frac{3 h_4 \left(m^2-1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2-m^2+2\right)\left(9 \left(1-m^2\right)-\left(-h_2-m^2+2\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2-m^2\right)\right)\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the singular soliton solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(1-h_2\right)\left(-\left(1-h_2\right) \left(h_2+2\right)\right)=0.
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the periodic wave solution is obtained
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =\frac{h_4 \left(h_2-2 m^2+1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1}, \\
g& =-\frac{3 h_4 m^2 \left(m^2-1\right)}{-h_2^2+m^4-m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right)\left(-\left(-h_2+2 m^2-1\right) \left(h_2+2 \left(2 m^2-1\right)\right)-9 \left(1-m^2\right) m^2\right) =0.
11. If \(l_{0}=\frac{1-m^{2}}{4}\), \(l_{2}=\frac{1+m^{2}}{2}\), \(l_{4}=%
\frac{1-m^{2}}{4}\), \(0< m< 1\), then \(P(\zeta )=nc(\zeta ,m)\pm sc(\zeta ,m)\)
or \(P(\zeta )=\frac{cn(\zeta ,m)}{1\pm sn(\zeta ,m)}\) and we have
where \(f\) and \(g\) are given by
f& =-\frac{8 h_4 \left(-2 h_2+m^2+1\right)}{-16 h_2^2+m^4+14 m^2+1}, \\
g& =\frac{12 h_4 \left(m^2-1\right)}{-16 h_2^2+m^4+14 m^2+1},
under the constraint condition
h_4^2 \left(\frac{1}{2} \left(m^2+1\right)-h_2\right)\left(\frac{9}{16} \left(1-m^2\right)^2-\left(\frac{1}{2} \left(m^2+1\right)-h_2\right) \left(h_2+m^2+1\right)\right) =0.
If \(m\rightarrow 1\), then the exponential solution is obtained
such that
h_4^2 \left(1-h_2\right)\left(-\left(1-h_2\right) \left(h_2+2\right)\right)=0.
If \(m\rightarrow 0\), then the combined periodic wave solutions are retrieved
are obtained, such that
h_4^2 \left(\frac{1}{2}-h_2\right)\left(\frac{9}{16}-\left(\frac{1}{2}-h_2\right) \left(h_2+1\right)\right)=0.
Figure 8. The numerical simulations corresponding to \(\left| {{W}_{11,4}} \right|\) given by Eq. (44), for \(m=1\) ; (a) is the 3D graphic, (b) is the 2D-contour graphic while (c) is the 2D graphic for \( \beta=2.9, v =0.968, n = 0.4, h_4=0.3, h_2=0.1 \).
4. Conclusion
The reaction-diffusion equation is examined in this study. Using the \(\varphi^6\)-model expansion technique, bright, kink, periodic, and combined periodic soliton solutions are retrieved. Furthermore, singular soliton solutions are seen favorably. The soliton solutions at any given time are shown in Figures \(1-8\), which is important for the movement of energy from one location to another. It is the internal dynamics of the traveling wave for various parameter values. We might conclude that the traveling wave behavior varies for different values of each. The study’s findings are hoped to boost the equation’s nonlinear dynamical features. The method suggests a promising and efficient strategy for solving a large class of nonlinear partial differential equations.
Author Contributions:
All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest:
”The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
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