Connectivity indices and QSPR analysis of benzenoid hydrocarbons

ODAM-Vol. 6 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 35 – 40 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Zhen Lin

Abstract: In mathematical chemistry, a large number of topological indices are used to predict the physicochemical properties of compounds, especially in the study of quantitative structure-proerty relationship (QSPR).
However, many topological indices have almost the same predictive ability. In this paper, we focus on how to use fewer topological indices to predict the physicochemical properties of compounds through the QSPR analysis of connectivity indices of benzene hydrocarbons.

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Laplace transform method for logistic growth in a population and predator models with fractional order

OMS-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 339-345 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Abubker Ahmed

Abstract:In this paper, we develop a new application of the Laplace transform method (LTM) using the series expansion of the dependent variable for solving fractional logistic growth models in a population as well as fractional prey-predator models. The fractional derivatives are described in the Caputo sense. To illustrate the reliability of the method some examples are provided. The results reveal that the technique introduced here is very effective and convenient for solving fractional-order nonlinear differential equations.

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Establishment of Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\) of Kifilideen trinomial theorem and other development based on matrix and standardized methods

OMS-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 325-338 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Kifilideen L. Osanyinpeju

Abstract:The generation of coefficients of terms of positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\) of Kifilideen trinomial theorem as the terms are progress is stressful and time-consuming which the same problem is identified with coefficients of terms of binomial theorem of positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\). This slows the process of producing the series of any particular trinomial expansion. This study established Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\) of the Kifilideen trinomial theorem and other developments based on matrix and standardized methods. A Kifilideen theorem of matrix transformation of the positive power of \(n\) of trinomial expression in which three variables \(x,y\), and \(z\) are found in parts of the trinomial expression was originated. The development would ease evaluating the trinomial expression’s positive power of \(n\). The Kifilideen coefficient tables are handy and effective in generating the coefficients of terms and series of the Kifilideen expansion of trinomial expression of positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n.\)

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Measurable Taylor’s theorem: an elementary proof

OMS-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 321-324 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Gianluca Viggiano

Abstract:The Taylor expansion is a widely used and powerful tool in all branches of Mathematics, both pure and applied. In Probability and Mathematical Statistics, however, a stronger version of Taylor’s classical theorem is often needed, but only tacitly assumed. In this note, we provide an elementary proof of this measurable Taylor’s theorem, which guarantees that the interpolating point in the Lagrange form of the remainder can be chosen to depend measurably on the independent variable.

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On natural approaches related to classical trigonometric inequalities

OMS-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 299-320 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Abd Raouf Chouikha

Abstract:In this paper, we establish sharp inequalities for trigonometric functions. We prove in particular for \(0 < x < \frac{\pi}{2}\) and any \(n \geq 5\) \[0 < P_n(x)\ <\ (\sin x)^2- x^3\cot x < P_{n-1}(x) + \left[\left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{2n} - \sum_{k=3}^{n-1} a_k \left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{2n-2k}\right] x^{2n} \] where \(P_n(x) = \sum_{3=k}^n a_k x^{2k+1}\) is a \(n\)-polynomial, with positive coefficients (\(k \geq 5\)), \(a_{{k}}=\frac{{2}^{2\,k-2}}{\ \left( 2\,k-2 \right) ! } \left( \left| {B}_{ 2\,k-2} \right| +{\frac { \left( -1\right) ^{k+1}}{ \left( 2\,k-1 \right) k}} \right),\) \( B_{2k} \) are Bernoulli numbers. This improves a lot of lower bounds of \( \frac{\sin(x)}{x}\) and generalizes inequalities chains. Moreover, bounds are obtained for other trigonometric inequalities as Huygens and Cusa inequalities as well as for the function \[g_n(x) = \left(\frac{\sin(x)}{x}\right)^2 \left( 1 - \frac{2\left(\frac{2 x}{\pi}\right)^{2n+2}}{1-(\frac{2x}{\pi})^2}\right) +\frac{\tan(x)}{x}, \ n\geq 1 \].

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Exploiting quadratic \(\varphi(\delta_{1},\delta_{2})-\)function inequalities on fuzzy Banach spaces based on general quadratic equations with \(2k\)-variables

OMS-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 287-298 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Ly Van An

Abstract:In this manuscript, our primary focus revolves around extending the inequalities associated with the Quadratic \(\varphi(\delta_{1},\delta_{2})-\)function. Our approach involves leveraging the general quadratic functional equation encompassing \(2k\)-variables within the context of the fuzzy Banach space. Our main contribution lies in the expansion of these inequalities, representing a significant result within this study.

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The bounds for topological invariants of a weighted graph using traces

ODAM-Vol. 6 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 30 – 34 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Emre Sevgi, Gül Özkan Kizilirmak and Serife Büyükköse

Abstract: In this paper, we obtain the bounds for the Laplacian eigenvalues of a weighted graph using traces. Then, we find the bounds for the Kirchhoff and Laplacian Estrada indices of a weighted graph. Finally, we define the Laplacian energy of a weighted graph and get the upper bound for this energy.

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A note on the characterization of claw-free and paw-free graphs

ODAM-Vol. 6 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 26 – 29 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Phillip Mafuta and Josiah Mushanyu

Abstract: A number of results on claw-free, paw-free graphs have been presented in the literature. Although the proofs of such results are elegant, sound and valid, it has gone unnoticed that all the results about claw-free, paw-free graphs in the literature are a consequence of a result by Olariu [1]. The note, apart from covering the aforementioned gap, also provides an alternate proof to a result by Faudree and Gould found in [2] in that, an unnoticed consequence resulted in the characterization of claw-free, paw-free graphs.

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