Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics (ODAM)

The aim of Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics (ODAM) (2617-9687 Online, 2617-9679 Print) is to bring together research papers in different areas of algorithmic and applied mathematics as well as applications of mathematics in various areas of science and technology. Contributions presented to the journal can be research papers, short notes, surveys, and possibly research problems. To ensure fast publication, editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken within 4 to 12 weeks (three months) of receipt of the paper.

Accepted articles are immediately published online as soon as they are ready for publication. There is one volume containing three issues per year. The issues will be finalized in April, August, and December of every year. The printed version will be published in December of every year.

Latest Published Articles

Author(s): Benedikt Valentin Meylahn1, Jan Harm van Vuuren1
1Stellenbosch Unit for Operations Research in Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The temporal dynamics of games have been studied widely in evolutionary spatial game theory using simulation. Each player is usually represented by a vertex of a graph and plays a particular game against every adjacent player independently. These games result in payoffs to the players which affect their relative fitness. The fitness of a player, in turn, affects its ability to reproduce. In this paper, we analyse the temporal dynamics of the evolutionary 2-person, 2-strategy snowdrift game in which players are arranged along a cycle of arbitrary length. In this game, each player has the option of adopting one of two strategies, namely cooperation or defection, during each game round. We compute the probability of retaining persistent cooperation over time from a random initial assignment of strategies to players. We also establish bounds on the probability that a small number of players of a particular mutant strategy introduced randomly into a cycle of players which have established the opposite strategy leads to the situation where all players eventually adopt the mutant strategy. We adopt an analytic approach throughout as opposed to a simulation approach clarifying the underlying dynamics intrinsic to the entire class of evolutionary spatial snowdrift games.

Author(s): Gowtham Kalkere Jayanna1, Ivan Gutman2
1Department of Mathematics, University College of Science, Tumkur University, Tumakuru, India.
2Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia.

Let \(G\) be a simple graph with vertex set \(V=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n \}\), and let \(d_i\) be the degree of the vertex \(v_i\). The Sombor matrix of \(G\) is the square matrix \(\mathbf A_{SO}\) of order \(n\), whose \((i,j)\)-element is \(\sqrt{d_i^2+d_j^2}\) if \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are adjacent, and zero otherwise. We study the characteristic polynomial, spectrum, and energy of \(\mathbf A_{SO}\). A few results for the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial, and bounds for the energy of \(\mathbf A_{SO}\) are established.

Author(s): Johan Kok1
1Independent Mathematics Researcher, City of Tshwane, South Africa & Visiting Faculty at CHRIST (Deemed to be a University), Bangalore, India.

This note presents the characterization of the families of star, helm, flower and complete graphs by total vertex stress. The note does not present results for many families of graphs but, it highlights important philosophical (math. phil.) aspects for further research. In particular the novelty concepts of forgiven contradictions denoted by, iff\(_f\) as well as iffness and \(f\)-statements are introduced. The author suggests that the characterization of other families of graphs by total vertex stress is possible.

Author(s): I. Silambarasan1
1Department of Mathematics, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Madagadipet, Puducherry-605107, India.

In this paper, we define some new operators \([(A \$ B),(A \# B),(A\ast B),(A \rightarrow B) ]\) of Fermatean fuzzy matrices and investigate their algebraic properties. Further, the necessity and possibility operators of Fermatean fuzzy matrices are proved. Finally, we have identified and proved several of these properties, particularly those involving the operator \(A\rightarrow B\) defined as Fermatean fuzzy implication with other operators.

Author(s): Rasul Rasuli1
1Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran.

In this paper, by using \(S\)-norms, we defined anti fuzzy subgroups and anti fuzzy normal subgroups which are new notions and considered their fundamental properties and also made an attempt to study the characterizations of them. Next we investigated image and pre image of them under group homomorphisms. Finally, we introduced the direct sum of them and proved that direct sum of any family of them is also anti fuzzy subgroups and anti fuzzy normal subgroups under \(S\)-norms, respectively.

Author(s): Rao Li1
1Department of mathematical sciences, University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken, SC 29801, USA.

Let \(G = (X, Y; E)\) be a bipartite graph with two vertex partition subsets \(X\) and \(Y\). \(G\) is said to be balanced if \(|X| = |Y|\) and \(G\) is said to be bipancyclic if it contains cycles of every even length from \(4\) to \(|V(G)|\). In this note, we present spectral conditions for the bipancyclic bipartite graphs.

Author(s): Roudy El Haddad1
1Department of Engineering, Polytech, La Sagesse University, Furn El Chebak, Lebanon.

Binomial coefficients have been used for centuries in a variety of fields and have accumulated numerous definitions. In this paper, we introduce a new way of defining binomial coefficients as repeated sums of ones. A multitude of binomial coefficient identities will be shown in order to prove this definition. Using this new definition, we simplify some particular sums such as the repeated Harmonic sum and the repeated Binomial-Harmonic sum. We derive formulae for simplifying general repeated sums as well as a variant containing binomial coefficients. Additionally, we study the \(m\)-th difference of a sequence and show how sequences whose \(m\)-th difference is constant can be related to binomial coefficients.

Author(s): M. Palanikumar1, K. Arulmozhi1
1Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, India

We interact the theory of possibility Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft sets, possibility bipolar fuzzy soft sets and define complementation, union, intersection, AND and OR. The possibility Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft sets are presented as a generalization of soft sets. Notably, we tend to showed De Morgan’s laws, associate laws and distributive laws that are holds in possibility Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft set theory. Also, we advocate an algorithm to solve the decision making problem primarily based on soft set model.

Author(s): Ivan Gutman1, Veerabhadrappa R. Kulli2
1Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
2Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University, Kalaburgi 585 106, India

A novel vertex-degree-based topological invariant, called Nirmala index, was recently put forward, defined as the sum of the terms \(\sqrt{d(u)+d(v)}\) over all edges \(uv\) of the underlying graph, where \(d(u)\) is the degree of the vertex \(u\). Based on this index, we now introduce the respective “Nirmala matrix”, and consider its spectrum and energy. An interesting finding is that some spectral properties of the Nirmala matrix, including its energy, are related to the first Zagreb index.

Author(s): Erhan Pişkin1, Tuğrul Cömert1
1Department of Mathematics, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakır, Turkey

In this work, we investigate the initial boundary-value problem for a parabolic type Kirchhoff equation with logarithmic nonlinearity. We get the existence of global weak solution, by the potential wells method and energy method. Also, we get results of the decay and finite time blow up of the weak solutions.