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Latest Published Articles

On Nörlund summability of double Fourier series

OMS-Vol. 6 (2022), Issue 1, pp. 99 – 107 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Suresh Kumar Sahani, Vishnu Narayan Mishra and Laxmi Rathour

Abstract:In this research paper, the authors studied some problems related to harmonic summability of double Fourier series on Nörlund summability method. These results constitute substantial extension and generalization of related work of Moricz [1] and Rhodes et al., [2]. We also constructed a new result on \((N,p^{(1)}_b,p^{(2)}_a)\) by regular N\”orlund method of summability.

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Optimal control strategy for the effectiveness of TB treatment taking into account the influence of HIV/AIDS and diabetes

OMS-Vol. 6 (2022), Issue 1, pp. 76 – 98 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Erick Manuel Delgado Moya, Alain Pietrus and Sergio Muniz Oliva Filho

Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present an optimal control problem to reduce the MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) and XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant TB) cases, using controls in these compartments and controlling reinfection/reactivation of the bacteria. The model used studies the efficacy of the tuberculosis treatment taking into account the influence of HIV/AIDS and diabetes, and we prove the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium point based on the behavior of the basic reproduction number. Various control strategies are proposed with the combinations of controls. We show the existence of optimal control using Pontryagin’s maximum principle. We solve the optimality system numerically with an algorithm based on forward/backward Runge-Kutta method of the fourth-order. The numerical results indicate that the implementation of the strategy that activates all controls and of type I (starting with the highest controls) is the most cost-effective of the strategies studied. This strategy reduces significantly the number of MDR-TB and XDR-TB cases in all sub-populations, which is an important factor in combating tuberculosis and its resistant strains.

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Repeated integration and explicit formula for the \(n\)-th integral of \(x^m(\ln x)^{m’}\)

OMS-Vol. 6 (2022), Issue 1, pp. 51 – 75 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Roudy El Haddad

Abstract:In particular, we study repeated integrals and recurrent integrals. For each of these integrals, we develop reduction formulae for both the definite as well as indefinite form. These reduction formulae express these repetitive integrals in terms of single integrals. We also derive a generalization of the fundamental theorem of calculus that expresses a definite integral in terms of an indefinite integral for repeated and recurrent integrals. From the recurrent integral formulae, we derive some partition identities. Then we provide an explicit formula for the \(n\)-th integral of \(x^m(\ln x)^{m’}\) in terms of a shifted multiple harmonic star sum. Additionally, we use this integral to derive new expressions for the harmonic sum and repeated harmonic sum.

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A note on marginal entropy of graphs

ODAM-Vol. 5 (2022), Issue 1, pp. 59 – 68 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Ting Zhou, Zhen Lin and Lianying Miao

Abstract:In 2006, Konstantinova proposed the marginal entropy of a graph based on the Wiener index. In this paper, we obtain the marginal entropy of the complete multipartite graphs, firefly graphs, lollipop graphs, clique-chain graphs, Cartesian product and join of two graphs, which extends the results of ¸Sahin.

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Lucky \(k\)-polynomials of null and complete split graphs

ODAM-Vol. 5 (2022), Issue 1, pp. 52 – 58 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Johan Kok

Abstract:The concept of Lucky colorings of a graph is used to introduce the notion of the Lucky \(k\)-polynomials of null graphs. We then give the Lucky \(k\)-polynomials for complete split graphs and generalized star graphs. Finally, further problems of research related to this concept are discussed.

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Type-II generalized Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft sets and application for decision making

ODAM-Vol. 5 (2022), Issue 1, pp. 36 – 51 Open Access Full-Text PDF
M. Palanikumar and K. Arulmozhi

Abstract:In the present communication, we introduce the theory of Type-II generalized Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft sets and define complementation, union, intersection, AND, and OR. The Type-II generalized Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft sets are presented as a generalization of soft sets. We showed De Morgan’s laws, associate laws, and distributive laws in Type-II generalized Pythagorean bipolar fuzzy soft set theory. Also, we advocate an algorithm to solve the decision-making problem based on a soft set model.

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