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Author(s): Afif Abdalmonem1, Omer Abdalrhman1, Shuangping Tao2
1Faculty of Science, University of Dalanj, Dalanj, Sudan
2Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China

Let \(\Omega\in{L}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n})\times{L^{2}(S^{n-1})}\) be a homogeneous function of degree zero. In this article, we obtain some boundedness of the parameterized Littlewood-Paley operators with variable kernels on weighted Herz spaces with variable exponent.

Author(s): Abaid ur Rehman Virk 1, Mirza Naveed Jhangeer 1, M. A. Rehman1
1Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan; (A.R.V & M.A.R)

Topological indices collect information from the graph of molecule and help to predict properties of underlined molecule. Zagreb indices are among the most studied topological indices due to its applications in chemistry. In this report we compute first and second reversed Zagreb indices and first and second reversed Hyper Zagreb indices for \(Si_{2}C_{3}I[r,s]\) and \(Si_{2}C_{3}II[r,s]\). Moreover we also compute first and second reversed Zagreb polynomials and first and second reversed Hyper Zagreb polynomials for \(Si_{2}C_{3}I[r,s]\) and \(Si_{2}C_{3}II[r,s]\).

Author(s): Carlos Alberto Raposo1, Adriano Pedreira Cattai2, Joilson Oliveira Ribeiro3
1Mathematics Department, Federal University of São João del-Rey 36307-352 São João
2Mathematics Department, State University of Bahia 41150-000 Salvador-BA, Brasil.
3Mathematics Department, Federal University of Bahia 40170-110 Salvador-BA, Brasil.

In this work we study the global solution, uniqueness and asymptotic behaviour of the nonlinear equation
u_{tt} – \Delta_{p} u = \Delta u – g*\Delta u
where \(\Delta_{p} u\) is the nonlinear \(p\)-Laplacian operator, \(p \geq 2\) and \(g*\Delta u\) is a memory damping. The global solution is constructed by means of the Faedo-Galerkin approximations taking into account that the initial data is in appropriated set of stability created from the Nehari manifold and the asymptotic behavior is obtained by using a result of P. Martinez based on new inequality that generalizes the results of Haraux and Nakao.

Author(s): Khalid Atifi1, El-Hassan Essoufi1, Hamed Ould Sidi1
1Université Hassan Premier Faculté des sciences et techniques Département de Mathématiques et Informatique Laboratoire MISI Settat, Maroc.

This paper deals with the determination of a coefficient in the diffusion term of some degenerate /singular one-dimensional linear parabolic equation from final data observations. The mathematical model leads to a non convex minimization problem. To solve it, we propose a new approach based on a hybrid genetic algorithm (married genetic with descent method type gradient). Firstly, with the aim of showing that the minimization problem and the direct problem are well posed, we prove that the solution’s behavior changes continuously with respect to the initial conditions. Secondly, we chow that the minimization problem has at least one minimum. Finally, the gradient of the cost function is computed using the adjoint state method. Also we present some numerical experiments to show the performance of this approach.

Author(s): S. Harikrishnan1, E. M. Elsayed2, K. Kanagarajan1,3
1Department of Mathematics, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-641020, India.
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt.

In this paper, we find a solution of a new type of Langevin equation involving Hilfer fractional derivatives with impulsive effect. We formulate sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Moreover, we present Hyers-Ulam stability results.

Author(s): Hanan Darwish1, Suliman Sowileh2, Abd AL-Monem Lashin1
1Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Mansoura, University Mansoura, 35516, Egypt.
2Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Mansoura, University Mansoura, 35516, Egypt

Let \(\mathcal{A}\) be the class of analytic and univalent functions in the open unit disc \(\Delta\) normalized such that \(f(0)=0=f^{\prime }(0)-1.\) In this paper, for \(\psi \in \mathcal{A}\) of the form \(\frac{z}{f(z)}, f(z)=1+\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty }a_{_{n}}z^{n}\) and \(0\leq \alpha \leq 1,\) we introduce and investigate interesting subclasses \(\mathcal{H}_{\sigma }(\phi ), \;S_{\sigma }(\alpha ,\phi ), \; M_{\sigma }(\alpha ,\phi ),\) \( \Im _{\alpha} (\alpha ,\phi )\) and \(\beta _{\alpha}(\lambda ,\phi ) \left( \lambda \geq 0 \right)\) of analytic and bi-univalent Ma-Minda starlike and convex functions. Furthermore, we find estimates on the coefficients \(\left\vert a_{1}\right\vert\) and \(\left\vert a_{2}\right\vert\) for functions in these classess. Several related classes of functions are also considered.

Author(s): Jian Dang1, Qingying Hu1, Hongwei Zhang1
1Department of Mathematics, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China.

In this paper, we consider initial boundary value problem of the generalized Boussinesq equation with nonlinear interior source and boundary absorptive terms. We establish both the existence of the solution and a general decay of the energy functions under some restrictions on the initial data. We also prove a blow-up result for solutions with positive and negative initial energy respectively.

Author(s): Noshad Ali1, Muhammad Awais Umar2, Afshan Tabassum1, Abdul Raheem3
1Department of Mathematics, NCBA & E, DHA Campus, Lahore, Pakistan.
2Govt. Degree College (B), Sharqpur Shareef, Pakistan.
3Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

A simple graph \(G=(V(G),E(G))\) admits an \(H\)-covering if \(\forall \ e \in E(G)\ \Rightarrow\ e \in E(H’)\) for some \((H’ \cong H )\subseteq G\). A graph \(G\) with \(H\) covering is an \((a,d)\)-\(H\)-antimagic if for bijection \(f:V\cup E \to \{1,2,\dots, |V(G)|+|E(G)| \}\), the sum of labels of all the edges and vertices belong to \(H’\) constitute an arithmetic progression \(\{a, a+d, \dots, a+(t-1)d\}\), where \(t\) is the number of subgraphs \(H’\). For \(f(V)= \{ 1,2,3,\dots,|V(G)|\}\), the graph \(G\) is said to be super \((a,d)\)-\(H\)-antimagic and for \(d=0\) it is called  \(H\)-supermagic. In this paper, we investigate the existence of super \((a,d)\)-\(C_3\)-antimagic labeling of a corona graph, for differences \(d=0,1,\dots, 5\).

Author(s): Deniz Uçar1, Veysel F. Hatipo lu2, Aysegűl Akincali3
1Usak University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Mathematics, 64200, Usak, Turkey.
2Mu\(\breve{\text{g}}\)la University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, 48000, Mu\(\breve{\text{g}}\)la, Turkey.
3Usak University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Mathematics, 64200, Usak, Turkey

In this paper, we use the Delta Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals to establish some new integral inequalities for the Chebyshev functional in the case of two synchronous functions on time scales. Our results improve the inequalities for the discrete and continuous cases.

Author(s): Alexander G. Ramm1
1Department of Mathematics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA.

It is proved that if the problem \(\nabla^2u=1\) in \(D\), \(u|_S=0\), \(u_N=m:=|D|/|S|\) then \(D\) is a ball. There were at least two different proofs published of this result. The proof given in this paper is novel and short.

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