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Qualitative analysis of a mathematical model of divorce epidemic with anti-divorce therapy

EASL-Vol. 4 (2021), Issue 2, pp. 1 – 11 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Reuben Iortyer Gweryina, Francis Shienbee Kaduna, Muhammadu Yahaya Kura
Abstract: Marriage is the living together of two persons as husband and wife. Separation and Divorce are the frontier challenges facing the existence of stable family system. In this paper, we construct an epidemiological model of divorce epidemic using standard incidence function as force of marital disunity. The study examines qualitatively that the two equilibra (divorce-free and endemic equilibrium point) are globally stable by Lyapunov functions. Numerical results reveal that, anti-divorce protocols and reconciliation can jointly stabilize marriages, and Married cases that survive divorce epidemic in 30 years period of marriage (twice the survival period of separation) cannot break again.
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Construction and classification of \(p\)-ring class fields modulo \(p\)-admissible conductors

OMS-Vol. 5 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 162 – 171 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Daniel C. Mayer
Abstract: Each \(p\)-ring class field \(K_f\) modulo a \(p\)-admissible conductor \(f\) over a quadratic base field \(K\) with \(p\)-ring class rank \(\varrho_f\) mod \(f\) is classified according to Galois cohomology and differential principal factorization type of all members of its associated heterogeneous multiplet \(\mathbf{M}(K_f)=\lbrack(N_{c,i})_{1\le i\le m(c)}\rbrack_{c\mid f}\) of dihedral fields \(N_{c,i}\) with various conductors \(c\mid f\) having \(p\)-multiplicities \(m(c)\) over \(K\) such that \(\sum_{c\mid f}\,m(c)=\frac{p^{\varrho_f}-1}{p-1}\). The advanced viewpoint of classifying the entire collection \(\mathbf{M}(K_f)\), instead of its individual members separately, admits considerably deeper insight into the class field theoretic structure of ring class fields. The actual construction of the multiplet \(\mathbf{M}(K_f)\) is enabled by exploiting the routines for abelian extensions in the computational algebra system Magma.
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A prospective study for assessment of Serum Adenosine Deaminase, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C-Reactive Protein levels in patients with Psoriasis

TCMS-Vol. 1 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 21 – 25 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Leo Tauro, Nutsukpo Amankwa
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to assess Serum Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels in patients with Psoriasis. Sixty- four patients with psoriasis were divided into three groups (mild, moderate, and severe) based on PASI scores. PASI score <10 defined psoriasis as mild, between 10 and 20 moderate,>20 as severe. The hsCRP was assayed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay BIOS kit. ADA was measured through kinetic method. ESR was calculated using Westergren method. Group I patients had 8 males (mild), 9 males (moderate) and 10 males (severe) and group II had 20 males. There were 12 females (mild), 14 females (moderate) and 11 females (severe) and group II had 30 females. A non- significant difference was observed (P> 0.05). The mean hSCRP level in group I patients was 54.2 ng/ml and in group II was 19.6 ng/ml. The mean ADA level in group I patients was 22.5 U/L and in group II was 8.1 U/L. The mean ESR was 28.4 mm/h in group I and 13.2 mm/h in group II. A significant difference was observed (P< 0.05). This study demonstrated higher hSCRP, ESR and ADA level among patients suffering from psoriasis compared to healthy control.
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A prospective study to evaluate accuracy of urine albumin-creatinine ratio in diagnosis of pre-eclampsia; A single centre observational study

TCMS-Vol. 1 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 16 – 20 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Ataur Kamal Rashid, Mozafar Khazaei
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to diagnose pre-eclampsia with spot urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR). Our study comprised of one hundred ten pregnancies within 20-28 weeks of gestation. Spot mid- stream urine sample was collected from all pregnant females and urine ACR estimation was done using immunoturbidimetric microalbumin method and modified Jaffe’s method for creatinine estimation. We found sensitivity of 90.4%, specificity of 98%, PPV of 91.6% and NPV of 97.2%. Systolic blood pressure in unaffected subjects was 110.2 mm Hg and in pre- eclamplsia was 152.6 mm Hg. Diastolic blood pressure in unaffected subjects was 78.4 mm Hg and in pre- eclamplsia was 96.8 mm Hg. In unaffected subjects, 4.5% showed positive test and 95.5% showed negative test. In pre- eclampsia subjects, 87.2% showed positive test and 12.8% showed negative test. Mann Whitney U test showed significant difference between two (Significant, P< 0.05). It has been observed that the role of urine albumin creatinine ratio in detection of Pre-eclampsia is evident. A higher sensitivity and specificity revealed its usefulness in early detection.
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The study of assessment of various risk factors for development of coronary heart disease among patients visiting Cardiology Clinic in a tertiary care centre

TCMS-Vol. 1 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 11 – 15 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Mustafa Soliman, Wail Al Beig, Mohammed Usman Ali
Abstract:Aim: To assess various risk factors for development of CHD among patients. \Methodology: Seventy- eight patients of either sex were included. Various parameters such as age, gender, cardiac markers, family history, history of alcohol intake and smoking was recorded. Results: There were 32 patients >45 years of age and 46 below 45 years of age. Out of 78 patients, females were 27 and males were 51. It was found that 26 had primary education, 37 had secondary and 15 had higher education. 38 were employed and 40 were non- employed. 42 were married and 36 were unmarried. Family history was positive in 51 and negative in 26. 20 had hypertension, 36 had CHD and 22 had both HTN & CHD. 45 had habit of smoking, 47 had alcoholism and 40 had no physical activity. A significant difference was observed (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Common risk factors for CHD was obesity, hyperglycaemia, family history, high LDL- C, ALT level, smoking, alcoholism and lack of physical activity.
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Outcome of 82 cases of nasal polyposis undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery

TCMS-Vol. 1 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 6 – 10 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Ankush Sathiyan, Hari Mahajan Jain, Sarfaraz Alam Khan
Abstract: Aim: To study 82 cases of nasal polyposis undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Methodology: Our study comprised of 82 patients presenting with the symptoms of nasal polyposis (38 male patient, 44 female patients). All managed with FESS. Parameters assessed were NOSE score and nasal endoscopy score pre- operatively which was compared with post- operative score at 6 months and 12 months. Results: We found pre- operative NOSE score was \(65.2\pm 5.7,\) at 6 months was \(28.4\pm 4.1\) and at 12 months post- operatively was \(24.2\pm 3.6.\) We found pre- operative nasal endoscopic score was 6.02, 6 months score was 3.1 and 12 months score was 2.5. Conclusion: Patients nasal endoscopy score and NOSE symptom score was improved after treatment. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is treatment of choice in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
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