Volume 4 (2020)

Author(s): R. O. Olanrewaju1, J. F. Ojo1, L. O. Adekola2
1Department of Statistics, University of Ibadan, 200284, Nigeria.
2Department of Physical Sciences, the Bells University of Technology, Ota, Nigeria.

This paper provides a procedure for estimating Stochastic Volatility (SV) in financial time series via latent autoregressive in a Bayesian setting. A Gaussian distributional combined prior and posterior of all hyper-parameters (autoregressive coefficients) were specified such that the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) iterative procedure via the Gibbs and Metropolis-Hasting sampling method was used in estimating the resulting exponentiated forms (quadratic forms) from the posterior kernel density. A case study of Naira to eleven (11) exchangeable currencies$^,$ rates by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was subjected to the estimated solutions of the autoregressive stochastic volatility. The posterior volatility estimates at 5%, 50%, and 95% quantiles of \({e^{\frac{\mu }{2}}}\) = (0.130041, 0.1502 and 0.1795) respectively unveiled that the Naira-US Dollar exchange rates has the highest rates bartered by fluctuations.

Author(s): P. A. Ejegwa1, M. A. Ibrahim2
1 Department of Mathematics, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.
2Department of Mathematics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

The theory of multigroups is a generalized group’s theoretic notions in multiset framework. Although myriad of researches have been done in multigroup theory, but some group’s analogue concepts have not been investigated in multigroup setting. In this paper we propose the notions of divisible and pure multigroups and characterize some of their properties. It is established that the image and preimage of homomorphism of divisible and pure multigroups are divisible and pure multigroups. The nexus between divisible and pure multigroups and that of divisible and pure groups are instituted using the concept of cuts of multigroups.

Author(s): Kidane Koyas1, Solomon Gebregiorgis1
1Department of Mathematics, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia.

In this paper, we have established a theorem involving a pair of mappings satisfying a weakly contraction type condition in the context of quasi \(\alpha\)b-metric space and proved the existence and uniqueness of coupled coincidence and coupled common fixed points. The concept of weakly compatibility of the pair of maps is applied to show the uniqueness of coupled common fixed point. This work offers an extension to the published work of Nurwahyu and Aris [1].

Author(s): Albo Carlos Cavalheiro 1
1Department of Mathematics, State University of Londrina, Londrina-86057-970, PR-Brazil.

In this paper we are interested in the existence of solutions for Navier problem associated with the degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations in the setting of the weighted Sobolev spaces.

Author(s): Temur Z. Kalanov1
1 Home of Physical Problems, Yozuvchilar (Pisatelskaya) 6a, 100128 Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

The critical analysis of the foundations of vector calculus and classical electrodynamics is proposed. Methodological basis of the analysis is the unity of formal logic and rational dialectics. The main results are the following statements: (1) a vector is a property of the motion and of the interaction of material objects, i.e., the concept of a vector is the concept of a physical property. Therefore, the concept of a vector is a general and abstract concept; (2) a vector is depicted in the form of an arrow (i.e., “straight-line segment with arrowhead”) in a real (material) coordinate system. A vector drawn (depicted) in a coordinate system does not have the measure “meter”. Therefore, a vector is a pseudo-geometric figure in a coordinate system. A vector is an imaginary (fictitious) geometric figure; (3) geometrical constructions containing vectors (as pseudo-geometric figures) and vector operations in a coordinate system are fictitious actions; (4) the scalar and vector products of vectors represent absurd because vectors (as abstract concepts, as fictional geometric figures that have different measures) cannot intersect at the material point of the coordinate system; (5) the concepts of gradient, divergence, and rotor as the basic concepts of vector analysis are a consequence of the main mathematical error in the foundations of differential and integral calculus. This error is that the definition of the derivative function contains the inadmissible operation: the division by zero; (6) Maxwell’s equations the main content of classical electrodynamics are based on vector calculus. This is the first blunder in the foundations of electrodynamics. The second blunder is the methodological errors because Maxwell’s equations contradict to the following points: (a) the dialectical definition of the concept of measure; (b) the formal-logical law of identity and the law of lack of contradiction. The logical contradiction is that the left and right sides of the equations do not have identical measures (i.e., the sides do not have identical qualitative determinacy). Thus, vector calculus and classical electrodynamics represent false theories.

Author(s): S. Mehrshad1
1 Faculty of Sciences, Zabol University of Zabol, Iran.

In this paper, we study some properties of induced topology by a uniform space generated by a family of ideals of a BCC-algebra. Also, by using Cauchy nets we construct a uniform space which is completion of this space.

Author(s): Omer Abdalrhman1, Afif Abdalmonem2, Shuangping Tao3
1College of Education, Shendi University, Shendi, River Nile State, Sudan.
2Faculty of Science, University of Dalanj, Dalanj, South kordofan, Sudan.
3College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, P.R. China.

In this paper, the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators is obtained on Morrey-Herz spaces with variable exponents \(MK_{q(\cdot),p(\cdot)}^{\alpha(\cdot),\lambda}(\mathbb{R}^{n})\) and several norm inequalities for the commutator generated by Calderó-Zygmund operators, BMO function and Lipschitz function are given.

Author(s): M. G. Sobamowo1, \(^1\), O. M. Kamiyo1, , A. A. Yinusa1, T. A. Akinshilo1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria.

The present study is based on the nonlinear analysis of unsteady magnetohydrodynamics squeezing flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid between two parallel disks embedded in a porous medium under the influences of thermal radiation and temperature jump boundary conditions are studied using Chebyshev spectral collocation method. The results of the non-convectional numerical solutions verified with the results of numerical solutions using fifth-order Runge-Kutta Fehlberg-shooting method and also the results of homotopy analysis method as presented in literature. The parametric studies from the series solutions show that for a suction parameter greater than zero, the radial velocity of the lower disc increases while that of the upper disc decreases as a result of a corresponding increase in the viscosity of the fluid from the lower squeezing disc to the upper disc. An increasing magnetic field parameter, the radial velocity of the lower disc decreases while that of the upper disc increases. As the third-grade fluid parameter increases, there is a reduction in the fluid viscosity thereby increasing resistance between the fluid molecules. There is a recorded decrease in the fluid temperature profile as the Prandtl number increases due to decrease in the thermal diffusivity of the third-grade fluid. The results in this work can be used to advance the analysis and study of the behaviour of third grade fluid flow and heat transfer processes such as found in coal slurries, polymer solutions, textiles, ceramics, catalytic reactors, oil recovery applications etc.

Author(s): François Dubeau 1
1Département de Mathématiques Faculté des sciences, Université de Sherbrooke 2500, boul. de l’Université, Sherbrooke (Qc), Canada.

We present, in a way quite accessible to undergraduate and graduate students, some basic and important facts about conics: parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. For each conic, we start by its definition, then consider tangent line and obtain an elementary proof of the reflexion property. We study intersection of tangents. We obtain the orthopic set for orthogonal tangents: the directrix for parabola and the Monge’s circle for ellipse and hyperbola. For ellipse and hyperbola we also consider intersection of tangents for parallel rays at points of intersection with the conic. Those analysis lead to geometric methods to draw conics. Finally we get the directrices for ellipse and hyperbola by considering intersections of tangents at endpoints of a secant passing through a focus.

Author(s): O. Adedire1, J. N. Ndam1
1Department of Mathematics, University of Jos, Nigeria.

In this paper, we examine linear and nonlinear boundary sinks in compartments whose adjacent sides are separated with sieve partitions allowing transport of chemical species. The sieve partitions serve as boundary sinks of the system separating each compartment from the subsequent one. With assumption of unidirectional transport of chemical species, constant physical properties and same equilibrium constant, system of partial differential equations are derived. The spatial variables of the derived PDEs are discretized using Method of Lines (MOL) technique. The semi-discrete system formed from this technique produced a system of 105 ODEs which are solved using MATLAB solver ode15s. The results show that for strongly nonlinear boundary sinks, concentration profile maintains low profile in interconnected adjacent compartments. This suggests that as nonlinearity increases at the boundary, the concentration profile becomes increasingly low in subsequent compartments.