Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences (OMS)

Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences (OMS) 2523-0212 (online) 2616-4906 (Print) partially supported by National Mathematical Society of Pakistan is a single blind peer reviewed Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles and survey articles related to Mathematics. Open access means that articles published in Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences are available online to the reader “without financial, legal, or technical barriers”. We publish both in print and online versions. Accepted paper will be published online immediately after it gets ready to publish. We publish one volume in the month of December in print form.

Latest Published Articles

Author(s): Erick Manuel Delgado Moya1, Alain Pietrus2, Sergio Muniz Oliva Filho1
1Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2University of Antilles, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, LAMIA (EA 4540), BP 250, 97159, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France.

The aim of this paper is to present an optimal control problem to reduce the MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) and XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant TB) cases, using controls in these compartments and controlling reinfection/reactivation of the bacteria. The model used studies the efficacy of the tuberculosis treatment taking into account the influence of HIV/AIDS and diabetes, and we prove the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium point based on the behavior of the basic reproduction number. Various control strategies are proposed with the combinations of controls. We show the existence of optimal control using Pontryagin’s maximum principle. We solve the optimality system numerically with an algorithm based on forward/backward Runge-Kutta method of the fourth-order. The numerical results indicate that the implementation of the strategy that activates all controls and of type I (starting with the highest controls) is the most cost-effective of the strategies studied. This strategy reduces significantly the number of MDR-TB and XDR-TB cases in all sub-populations, which is an important factor in combating tuberculosis and its resistant strains.

Author(s): Roudy El Haddad 1
1Université La Sagesse, Faculté de génie, Polytech.

Repeated integration is a major topic of integral calculus. In this article, we study repeated integration. In particular, we study repeated integrals and recurrent integrals. For each of these integrals, we develop reduction formulae for both the definite as well as indefinite form. These reduction formulae express these repetitive integrals in terms of single integrals. We also derive a generalization of the fundamental theorem of calculus that expresses a definite integral in terms of an indefinite integral for repeated and recurrent integrals. From the recurrent integral formulae, we derive some partition identities. Then we provide an explicit formula for the \(n\)-th integral of \(x^m(\ln x)^{m’}\) in terms of a shifted multiple harmonic star sum. Additionally, we use this integral to derive new expressions for the harmonic sum and repeated harmonic sum.

Author(s): Sümeyye Çakan 1
1Inönü University, Department of Mathematics, Malatya, 44280, Turkey;

In this paper, we analyze a new continuous-time epidemic model including nonlinear delay differential equations by using parameters and functions selected from a class of intervals whose algebraic basis is based on quasilinear spaces. The main idea in the model’s generic structure is based on uncertainties in the values of parameters and functions forming the model. Therefore, using an interval coefficient approach rather than the exact value of parameters and functions that define transmissions between the compartments in the population dynamics will better represent the reality. Furthermore, preferring such an approach provides more realistic scenarios for temporal and stability dynamics of a population exposed to a disease. In this study, the quasilinear space is defined to explain the mathematical background of the interval approach in the fictional chain of the model. Next, descriptions belonging to the introduced model are included. After this compartmental system is presented as two systems formed by the lower and upper endpoints of the intervals determining parameters and functions, local and global dynamics related to stabilities of the models are analyzed separately for each. Then, using some interval analysis and functional analysis methods, these results are combined, and a conclusion about the stability of the proposed epidemic model has been reached. Alongside, the performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a visual simulation.

Author(s): Özge Çolakoğlu Mersin 1
1University, Science and Arts Faculty Mathematics Department, 33343, Mersin-Turkey;

The inverse sum indeg index \(ISI(G)\) of a graph is equal to the sum over all edges \(uv\in E(G)\) of weights \(\frac{d_{u}d_{v}}{d_{u}+d_{v}}\). This paper presents the relation between the inverse sum indeg index and the chromatic number. The bounds for the spectral radius of the inverse sum indeg matrix and the inverse sum indeg energy are obtained. Additionally, the Nordhaus-Gaddum-type results for the inverse sum indeg index, the inverse sum indeg energy and the spectral radius of the inverse sum index matrix are given.

Author(s): Constantin Fetecau1, Dumitru Vieru2
1Section of Mathematics, Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, 050094 Bucharest, Romania.
2Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Technical University of Iasi, 67 Bd. Dimitrie Mangeron.

Analytical expressions for the steady-state solutions of modified Stokes’ second problem of a class of incompressible Maxwell fluids with power-law dependence of viscosity on the pressure are determined when the gravity effects are considered. Fluid motion is generated by a flat plate that oscillates in its plane. We discuss similar solutions for the simple Couette flow of the same fluids. Obtained results can be used by the experimentalists who want to know the required time to reach the steady or permanent state. Furthermore, we discuss the accuracy of results by graphical comparisons between the solutions corresponding to the motion due to cosine oscillations of the plate and simple Couette flow. Similar solutions for incompressible Newtonian fluids with power-law dependence of viscosity on the pressure performing the same motions and some known solutions from the literature are obtained as limiting cases of the present results. The influence of pertinent parameters on fluid motion is graphically underlined and discussed.

Author(s): Joaquín Luna-Torres1
1 Programa de Matemáticas, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá D. C., Colombia (retired professor);

In analogy with the classical theory of filters, for finitely complete or small categories, we provide the concepts of filter, \(\mathfrak{G}\)-neighborhood (short for “Grothendieck-neighborhood”) and cover-neighborhood of points of such categories, to study convergence, cluster point, closure of sieves and compactness on objects of that kind of categories. Finally, we study all these concepts in the category \(\mathbf{Loc}\) of locales.

Author(s): Richard P. Brent1
1 Australian National University Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia.

We show that a well-known asymptotic series for the logarithm of the central binomial coefficient is strictly enveloping in the sense of Pólya and Szegö, so the error incurred in truncating the series is of the same sign as the next term, and is bounded in magnitude by that term. We consider closely related asymptotic series for Binet’s function, for \(\ln\Gamma(z+\frac12)\), and for the Riemann-Siegel theta function, and make some historical remarks.

Author(s): Nguyen Thu Hang1, Pham Thi Phuong Thuy2
1Department of Mathematics, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, 18 Pho Vien, Bac Tu Liem, Hanoi, 084 Vietnam.
2The faculty of Basic Sciences, Vietnam Air Defence and Air Force Academy, Son Tay, Ha Noi, 084 Vietnam.

The aim of this paper is to study the tail distribution of the CEV model driven by Brownian motion and fractional Brownian motion. Based on the techniques of Malliavin calculus and a result established recently in [1], we obtain an explicit estimate for tail distributions.

Author(s): Isaac Owino Okoth1, Albert Oloo Nyariaro1
1Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Maseno University, Kenya.

In this paper, we prove some new formulas in the enumeration of labelled \(t\)-ary trees by path lengths. We treat trees having their edges oriented from a vertex of lower label towards a vertex of higher label. Among other results, we obtain counting formulas for the number of \(t\)-ary trees on \(n\) vertices in which there are paths of length \(\ell\) starting at a root with label \(i\) and ending at a vertex, sink, leaf sink, first child, non-first child and non-leaf. For each statistic, the average number of these reachable vertices is obtained for any random \(t\)-ary tree.

Author(s): M. Iftikhar1, A. Qayyum1, S. Fahad1, M. Arslan1
1Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan.

In this paper, improved and generalized version of Ostrowski’s type inequalities is established. The parameters used in the peano kernels help us to obtain previous results. The obtained bounds are then applied to numerical integration.