Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics (ODAM)

The aim of Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics (ODAM) (2617-9687 Online, 2617-9679 Print) is to bring together research papers in different areas of algorithmic and applied mathematics as well as applications of mathematics in various areas of science and technology. Contributions presented to the journal can be research papers, short notes, surveys, and possibly research problems. To ensure fast publication, editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken within 4 to 12 weeks (three months) of receipt of the paper.

Accepted articles are immediately published online as soon as they are ready for publication. There is one volume containing three issues per year. The issues will be finalized in April, August, and December of every year. The printed version will be published in December of every year.

Latest Published Articles

Author(s): Johan Kok1
1Independent Mathematics Researcher, City of Tshwane, South Africa Visiting Faculty at CHRIST (Deemed to be a University), Bangalore, India.

A finite, connected simple graph \(G\) is a geodetic graph if and only if for each pair of vertices \(v_i, v_j\) there exists a unique distance path (or unique shortest \(v_iv_j\)-path). The insertion of vertices in an edge or edges of a non-geodetic graph \(G\) to, if possible, obtain a resultant geodetic graph is called geodetication of the graph \(G\). The paper introduces two new graph parameters generally called the Ruv\(\acute{e}\) numbers of a graph. The Ruv\(\acute{e}\) numbers of \(G\) are denoted by \(\rho_1(G)\) and \(\rho_2(G)\) respectively, and \(\rho_1(G) = \rho_2(G) = 0\) if and only if \(G\) is geodetic. Furthermore, for some graphs the parameter, \(\rho_1(G) \to \infty\). The latter graphs \(G\) do not permit geodetication in respect of \(\rho_1(G)\). It is evident that geodetication presents various challenging minimization problems. The core field of application will be, restricting graphs to distance path uniqueness. Intuitive applications are foreseen in military science, IT anti-hacking coding and predictive flow through networks.

Author(s): Italo Dejter1
1Department of Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The anchored Dyck words of length \(n=2k+1\) (obtained by prefixing a 0-bit to each Dyck word of length \(2k\) and used to reinterpret the Hamilton cycles in the odd graph \(O_k\) and the middle-levels graph \(M_k\) found by M\”utze et al.) represent in \(O_k\) (resp., \(M_k\)) the cycles of an \(n\)- (resp., \(2n\)-) 2-factor and its cyclic (resp., dihedral) vertex classes, and are equivalent to Dyck-nest signatures. A sequence is obtained by updating these signatures according to the depth-first order of a tree of restricted growth strings (RGS’s), reducing the RGS-generation of Dyck words by collapsing to a single update the time-consuming \(i\)-nested castling used to reach each non-root Dyck word or Dyck nest. This update is universal, for it does not depend on \(k\).

Author(s): Sikander Ali1, Furqan Ahmad1, Muhammad Kamran Jamil1
1Department of Mathematics, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan

In this paper, we introduce a new resolvability parameter named as the local edge partition dimension \((LEPD)\) of graphs. The local edge partition dimension \((LEPD)\) makes a specialty of partitioning the vertex set of a graph into awesome instructions based totally on localized resolving properties. Our findings offer a fresh angle on graph resolvability, offering capability insights for optimizing network overall performance and structural analysis. Let \(G=(V, E)\) be a connected graph with vertex set \(V\) and edge set \(E\). A partition set \({R}_{p}=\{{R}_{p1},{R}_{p2},{R}_{p3}\dots,{R}_{pn}\}\) contain subsets of vertices of \(G\). If for every pair of adjacent edges \(p\) and \(q\) in \(G\), then \(d(p,{R}_{p})\neq d(q,{R}_{p})\) and if \(p\) and \(q\) are non-adjacent then not necessary \(d(p,{R}_{p})\neq d(q,{R}_{p})\) then \({R}_{p}\) is called a local edge resolving partition set and minimum cardinality of such set is called local edge partition dimension. We discussed local metric, local edge metric, metric, edge metric dimension, local partition, local edge partition, partition dimension, and edge partition dimension of the Petersen graph.

Author(s): David Allen1, Jose La Luz2, Guarionex Salivia3, Jonathan Hardwick4
1 Department of Mathematics BMCC, CUNY, New York, New York 10007
2Departmento de Matem\’aticas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Industrial Minillas 170 Carr 174, Bayam\’on, PR, 00959-1919
3Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics, Gustavus Adolphus College, 800 West College Avenue Saint Peter, MN 56082
4Department of Computer Information Science, Minnesota state University, Mankato, South Rd and Ellis Ave, Mankato, MN 56001

In this paper we construct families of bit sequences using combinatorial methods. Each sequence is derived by converting a collection of numbers encoding certain combinatorial numerics from objects exhibiting symmetry in various dimensions. Using the algorithms first described in [1] we show that the NIST testing suite described in publication 800-22 does not detect these symmetries hidden within these sequences.

Author(s): J. Kok1
1Independent Mathematics Researcher, City of Tshwane, South Africa Visiting Faculty at CHRIST (Deemed to be a University), Bangalore, India

This note addresses impracticalities or possible absurdities with regards to the definition corresponding of some graph parameters. To remedy the impracticalities the principle of transmitting the definition is put forward. The latter principle justifies a comprehensive review of many known graph parameters, the results related thereto, as well as the methodology of applications which draw a distinction between connected versus disconnected simple graphs. To illustrate the notion of transmitting the definition, various parameters are re-examined such as, connected domination number, graph diameter, girth, vertex-cut, edge-cut, chromatic number, irregularity index and quite extensively, the hub number of a graph. Ideas around undefined viz-a-viz permissibility viz-a-viz non-permissibility are also discussed.

Author(s): Abirami Kamaraj1, Mohanapriya Nagaraj1, Venkatachalam Mathiyazhagan1, Dafik Dafik2
1Department of Mathematics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore-641 029, Tamil Nadu, India
2PUI-PT Combinatorics and Graph, CGANT, Department of Mathematics Education, University of Jember, Indonesia

A bijective mapping \(\varsigma\) assigns each vertex of a graph \(G\) a unique positive integer from 1 to \(|V(G)|\), with edge weights defined as the sum of the values at its endpoints. The mapping ensures that no two adjacent edges at a common vertex have the same weight, and each \(k\)-color class is connected to every other \(k-1\) color class. A graph \(G\) possesses \(b\)-color local edge antimagic coloring if it satisfies the aforementioned criteria and it corresponds to a maximum graph coloring. This paper extensively studies the bounds, non-existence, and results of b-color local edge antimagic coloring in fundamental graph structures.

Author(s): Haidar Ali1, Barya Iftikhar1, Syed Asjad Naqvi2, Urooj Fatima1
1Department of Mathematics, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Chemical graph theory, a branch of graph theory, uses molecular graphs for its representation. In QSAR/QSPR studies, topological indices are employed to evaluate the bioactivity of chemicals. Degree-based entropy, derived from Shannon’s entropy, is a functional statistic influenced by the graph and the probability distribution of its vertex set, with informational graphs forming the basis of entropy concepts. Planar octahedron networks have diverse applications in pharmacy hardware and system management. This article explores the Benzenoid Planar Octahedron Network (\(BPOH(n)\)), Benzenoid Dominating Planar Octahedron Network (BDPOH(n)), and Benzenoid Hex Planar Octahedron Network (\(BHPOH(n)\)). We compute degree-based entropies, including Randić entropy, atom bond connectivity (ABC), and geometric arithmetic (GA) entropy, for the Benzenoid planar octahedron network.

Author(s): Noha Mohammad Seyam1, Muhammad Faisal Nadeem2
1College of Applied Sciences Mathematical Sciences Department, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah Saudi Arabia
2Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore Campus, Lahore 54000 Pakistan

An edge irregular \(k\)-labeling of a graph \(G\) is a labeling of vertices of \(G\) with labels from the set \(\{1,2,3,\dots,k\}\) such that no two edges of \(G\) have same weight. The least value of \(k\) for which a graph \(G\) has an edge irregular \(k\)-labeling is called the edge irregularity strength of \(G\). Ahmad et. al. [1] showed the edge irregularity strength of some particular classes of Toeplitz graphs. In this paper we generalize those results and finds the exact values of the edge irregularity strength for some generalize classes of Toeplitz graphs.

Author(s): Zaryab Hussain1, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin2
1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710129, China
2Department of Mathematics, Government College University Faisalabad, Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan

The eccentric atom-bond sum-connectivity \(\left(ABSC_{e}\right)\) index of a graph \(G\) is defined as \(ABSC_{e}(G)=\sum\limits_{uv\in E(G)}\sqrt{\frac{e_{u}+e_{v}-2}{e_{u}+e_{v}}}\), where \(e_{u}\) and \(e_{v}\) represent the eccentricities of \(u\) and \(v\) respectively. This work presents precise upper and lower bounds for the \(ABSC_{e}\) index of graphs based on their order, size, diameter, and radius. Moreover, we find the maximum and minimum \(ABSC_{e}\) index of trees based on the specified matching number and the number of pendent vertices.

Author(s): Rao Li1
1Dept. of Computer Science, Engineering, and Math University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken, SC 29801

Let \(G = (V(G), E(G))\) be a graph with minimum degree at least \(1\). The inverse degree of \(G\), denoted \(Id(G)\), is defined as the sum of the reciprocals of degrees of all vertices in \(G\). In this note, we present inverse degree conditions for Hamiltonian and traceable graphs.