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Latest Published Articles

Covering and 2-degree-packing numbers in graphs

ODAM-Vol. 7 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 1 – 10 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Carlos A. Alfaro, Christian Rubio-Montiel and Adrián Vázquez Ávila

Abstract: In this paper, we give a relationship between the covering number of a simple graph \(G\), \(\beta(G)\), and a new parameter associated to \(G\), which is called 2-degree-packing number of \(G\), \(\nu_2(G)\). We prove that \[\lceil \nu_{2}(G)/2\rceil\leq\beta(G)\leq\nu_2(G)-1,\] for any simple graph \(G\), with \(|E(G)|>\nu_2(G)\). Also, we give a characterization of connected graphs that attain the equalities.

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Chromatically unique \(6\)-bridge graph \(\theta (r,r,s,s,t,u)\)

ODAM-Vol. 6 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 41 – 56 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Syed Ahtsham Ul Haq Bokhary and Shehr Bano

Abstract: Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two graph and \(P(A,z)\) and \(P(B,z)\) are their chromatic polynomial, respectively. The two graphs \(A\) and \(B\) are said to be chromatic equivalent denoted by \( A \sim B \) if \(P(A,z)=P(B,z)\). A graph \(A\) is said to be chromatically unique(or simply \(\chi\)- unique) if for any graph \(B\) such that \(A\sim B \), we have \(A\cong B\), that is \(A\) is isomorphic to \(B\). In this paper, the chromatic uniqueness of a new family of \(6\)-bridge graph \(\theta(r,r,s,s,t,u)\) where \(2\leq r\leq s \leq t\leq u\) is investigated.

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Multiplicity results for a class of nonlinear singular differential equation with a parameter

OMA-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 38 – 44 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Shaowen Li

Abstract: This paper gives sufficient conditions for the existence of positive periodic solutions to general indefinite singular differential equations. Furthermore, under some assumptions we show the existence of two positive periodic solutions. The methods used are Krasnoselski\(\breve{\mbox{i}}\)’s-Guo fixed point theorem and the positivity of the associated Green’s function.

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An introduction to the construction of subfusion frames

OMA-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 31 – 37 Open Access Full-Text PDF
E. Rahimi and Z. Amiri

Abstract: Fusion frames and subfusion frames are generalizations of frames in the Hilbert spaces. In this paper, we study subfusion frames and the relations between the fusion frames and subfusion frame operators. Also, we introduce new construction of subfusion frames. In particular, we study atomic resolution of the identity on the Hilbert spaces and derive new results.

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Upper Estimates For Initial Coefficients and Fekete-Szegö Functional of A Class of Bi-univalent Functions Defined by Means of Subordination and Associated with Horadam Polynomials

OMA-Vol. 7 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 21 – 30 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Atinuke Ayanfe Amao and Timothy Oloyede Opoola

Abstract: In this work, a new class of bi-univalent functions \(I^{n+1}_{\Gamma_m,\lambda}(x,z)\) is defined by means of subordination. Upper bounds for some initial coefficients and the Fekete-Szegö functional of functions in the new class were obtained.

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